Many thanks to you for thinking and praying and remembering me today. The weather prevented a visit to my father's grave, so the conflict will remain as I continue to heal and forgive. My late sister's husband has remarried and his wife understands his need to maintain a connection with my sister. A real gem of a woman, she!
My younger brother made an effort to make a connection with me on a less threatening level; talking only of health and unemployment in a private conversation, but I could tell even that was too painful for him. It is a fear of mine that he too was molested and either cannot as yet remember (perhaps a blessing if he never does remember) or he is unable to talk. The signs that others saw in me that were 'unidentifiable' are present in him for might just(just...merely...only?) be the physical and verbal abuse we all endured, but with the history of sexual abuse in my family, it remains a concern of mine and my wife's as well.
My brother's daughter and I had a chance to talk in private. She was so supportive and remains so since my revelation of the abuse to the family. She cried and told me..."I love you...that's what we're here for...we're family.
And speaking of family, I wanted to thank you all again for your support and friendship this past year. I count my blessings for knowing as much as I can each and every one of you who have reached out, and even those I don't know. And I count it a privilege and honor as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Andrea
We Love you 'Drea
I think that's all that needs to be said.
I agree
'with Portia,you have given so much of yourself to so many people and it is a privilege to know you.My late mother always
taught me "that it was nice to know nice people"and there is no one nicer than you "Drea.
Many blessings to you Andrea.
We have spoken before, and you know what sorts of comon background we share. I just hope that you take it easy and are good to your self and do not allow you to dig in it so much that it becomes a second assault on you.
My Grand daughter who lives in Norfolk, recently looked me up; saying, "she does not care, we are family." I have doubts about trusting her, but we shall see where this goes.
Again, please do be kind to yourself.
Ma Salaama
Glad it went well
Andrea I'm glad it went as well as it did. Its good that there was nothing to add to your stress.
I guess the weather that gave a reprieve from the grave visit, was similar to that seen when my Dolphins beat (in a pitiful way) your Jets.