My sweet counselor is such a dear. With everything going on, she's been such an encouragement, and today proved to me just how much God loves me through her, through you, my dear sisters and brothers and through my new dear friends whom I treasure just as much as my characters love and accept each other. She is Jewish, which gives us a commonality with somewhat but wonderfully different perspectives while still trusting God. She and her husband are season-ticket holders at Yankee Stadium, and since Monday is Yom Kippur, they will be observing that special day and not attending. She blessed me and my son with the tickets and parking for the day, knowing that we both are not only fans but relatives of Joe DiMaggio, a source of great pride for us, I must say. But the best part was the most precious, perhaps holy blessing. She had noticed my tears when I arrived, and I had explained that even while trusting her implicitly, I was still fearful that our relationship had changed now that she knew about Andrea. She affirmed me by saying that I was a good man, a good husband and a good father, but continued and said something that broke my heart in two in the best way when she said, "but you are so much more than're also 'drea DiMaggio...and that's a good thing." When I left, I could hardly drive, I was crying so much with tears of relief and joy. To hear my other self being accepted. I am doubly blessed, because now I am accepted by her, whom I have known and trusted, but also by you sweet ones, who I have come to cherish as much as my family. I pray that each of you finds that acceptance; that freedom to be who you are. To hear my name out loud....WOW!
Oh Happy Day
Well shucks, I said it all in my longwinded PM. Great your counsellor is so supportive, and won't recommend you for electroshock aversion therapy or the Ludivico technique (You know, like in A Clockwork Orange...) Funny how we must have been writing such similar stuff at around the same time. About the importance of hearing this sort of validation with our actual ears, and both ending with a line or 2 about how magical this site here is, not just for the great stories but for having brought sweet freinds like you into my life.
~~~hugs, have a great time at the game. Laika...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
If You're Related To Joe
That means you're kinda related to Marilyn too!
And you reckon you're not blessed!! :-)