For those of you who unaware of my short story, Easy As Falling Off a Bike, according to my archivist (sounds posh dunnit) the figure above is the number of words my ramblings under one title have produced.
I think some thanks are in order (of seniority) to Erin, for allowing me to fill up her servers with my nonsense, and for providing this unique resource to the community.
To my archivists and summarisers; Holly, Ben and PS with thanks to Erin for her assistance in setting it up.
To various editors and pointers out of my poor spelling or grammar (though it's betterer than what Bonzi's is!) including Gabi, Holly, Puddintane et al.
Finally to my readers, commenters and kudos donors - I suppose without you lot my genius would lay unrecognised and my modesty unexpressed (I'm told I have an ego about the size of Australia). Anyway, 1200 hugs to you all or one million six hundred and forty six thousand, three hundred and seventy five thanks. It's been mostly a question of perspiration, occasionally aspiration and once or twice inspiration. I wonder what the future holds for our hapless heroine - I suppose we'll all have to wait and see.

It is clearly us who are blessed
I have never been a fan of soap operas until now. I think the weird lighting turns me off usually as well as the boring infidelity and internecine issues. Bike has very little of that but provides a valuable lesson about looking for adventure as adventure will find you and maybe not for the better.
Wish I could give 1200 hugs in return.
Hmmm. Needs more words.
As long as you keep writing it, I'll continue to enjoy it, heck, I may even catch up to you, eventually. I've been quite distracted, writing my first serial, but now-I think I need a few days to just sit down and read Bike for awhile.
Classifying Bike...
Action, Adventure, Crime, Danger, Drama, Family, Horror, Medical Issues (TG, Depression, Surgery, anything requiring BLH) Paranormal (how else would you classify BLH?), Prodigy (i.e. Trish), Romance, Teenage Angst (i.e. Julie)...
And I'm sure I've left off at least a dozen other tags. It's a wonderful story, and usually marginally more realistic than a dose of attempted murder, family breakdown, a gas explosion, a tram lunging off a viaduct and ploughing into shops on opposite sides of the same road simultaneously, a birth AND a case of PTSD all affecting about a dozen characters in in one short Mancunian street within a timeline timeframe of about ½ hr1. Not to mention an emergency services major incident on the other side of town delaying the arrival of any of the emergency services until nearly ⅜ hr after the disaster...
Apparently it cost them £1m to stage that incident - goodness knows how much it would cost to film many of the incidents Cathy somehow ends up in!
I raise a toast to Angharad and the next 1,200 episodes / 1.6m words...
[1] Google "Corrie Tram Crash" for further sordid details.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Hats off to an amazing accomplishment!
Train an army of monkeys to convert it to a screen play so you can submit it to a television station and get rich ;)
My big opus unfortunately is a work of fan fiction, so I shall never taste the sweet nectar of writing for a living. I'd start new with something else, but it's hard to imagine doing that without finishing up what I started.
Do you ever feel tied down to your favorite serial? Like parental guilt for thinking of moving on to something new? :)
Hats off from me
I have been reading this...well, when I first found this site I had to scroll back to catch up, and read the earlier stuff in two sittings. Still here, still reading it, still enjoying it.
Thank You
As one of the readers of your ‘short story’ Easy as Falling off a Bike, may I say that you are due 1,646,375 words of thanks for such a wonderous story.
May your muse remain with you always
Anne G.
Truly an inspiration...
...for we readers.
Hugs and thanks to you, Angharad, and your team, for the gamut of emotions you manage to bring into our lives each day.
Truly, we've been blessed to be the recipients of your literary endeavours, and BCTS is the better for your contributions.
If we're bandying about statistics (yes, I know: lies, damned lies...) I remember when this website went past 10,000 stories, one prolific author had written more than 10% of them. It's a phenomenal effort you've sustained over a long period of time.
Grateful, in awe, inspired—I know could work my way through a thesaurus and produce several hundred equally appropriate terms—yet for me these three words/phrases sum up how I feel.
Hugs and thanks (and extra attention to the felines).
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
I never
I never thought that when i read part one a long time ago that i would of read part 1200.
Have missed a bit in the middle due to me not bookmarking
But Excellent Story - heres to another 1200 chapters or how many this story will take
I've looked....
And as far as I can tell, your experiment with Bike is unique in the literary world. You have done something any lit professor will tell you is impossible. You have brought something new to the world of literature.
That lots of us just happen to like, salivate for the daily dose of our addiction is, I guess, just a side effect of how well you have done this totally original thing.