1,646,375 thanks

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For those of you who unaware of my short story, Easy As Falling Off a Bike, according to my archivist (sounds posh dunnit) the figure above is the number of words my ramblings under one title have produced.

I think some thanks are in order (of seniority) to Erin, for allowing me to fill up her servers with my nonsense, and for providing this unique resource to the community.

To my archivists and summarisers; Holly, Ben and PS with thanks to Erin for her assistance in setting it up.

To various editors and pointers out of my poor spelling or grammar (though it's betterer than what Bonzi's is!) including Gabi, Holly, Puddintane et al.

Finally to my readers, commenters and kudos donors - I suppose without you lot my genius would lay unrecognised and my modesty unexpressed (I'm told I have an ego about the size of Australia). Anyway, 1200 hugs to you all or one million six hundred and forty six thousand, three hundred and seventy five thanks. It's been mostly a question of perspiration, occasionally aspiration and once or twice inspiration. I wonder what the future holds for our hapless heroine - I suppose we'll all have to wait and see.



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