The following is Bigatry of a State Worker but, this could happen in any State or even with a Federal Worker! Richard
Calif. transgender woman says DMV worker sent letter calling her gender change 'evil'
12-09-2010 03:28 PM PST |By LISA LEFF, Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (Associated Press)
A transgender woman says a California Department of Motor Vehicles clerk used a state database to find her address and then mailed her a personal letter condemning her sex change.
San Francisco resident Amber Yust says the clerk processed her application for a new driver's license with her female name in October.
Yust says four days later, she received a letter calling her gender change a "very evil decision." The letter identified the writer as the person who processed Yust's application.
Yust has taken the first step toward suing the DMV for invading her privacy and violating her civil rights. She filed a claim Wednesday seeking damages.
DMV spokesman Mike Marando declined to comment on the incident because it involves pending litigation. But Marando says employees are prohibited from contacting customers about non-business matters.
I'd say
that sending that letter was a very STUPID decision. It's a pretty indisputable piece of hard evidence now, isn't it. What is in some people's minds? Anything? Nothing? This is simply amazing. This had better be an open-and-shut case for the plaintiff.
female drivers licence - evil
He was probably only concerned with 1 more female driver on the road?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
One damaged parachute
The say that minds are like parachutes, they only function when opened. It is apparent that this state employee has a damaged parachute. When I changed my name the newspaper misprinted my address. Fortunately I did not get hate mail because of that error. What I did get were comments from friends(?) regarding my name change and preparing for GRS. I soon was seeking new friends.
I lost out from job interviews because of my transition. One thing that happened to me was a case worker from Child Support enforcement told me I was scum aftere I called him about an overdraft by them of my paycheck. I asked to speak to his supervisor and he told me losers like me had no recourse and he was a state employee and couldn't be fired. I thanked him for his services and called back to the main desk and asked to speak to a supervisor.
I got her name and the Director of Health and Social Services. I wrote to them and told them what had transpired, who the employees was and his statement to me. I asked that he be relieved of his duties and made available to the unemployment line. By the end of the week the employee no longer worked for the state and my new case worked found the error and I was refunded the money.
That DMV employee needs to be let go, fined and made to pay restitution to the person she sent the letter to. With that she should serve ninety days in the county jail and be black listed from any state position.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Maybe more then 90 days
To me this seems not only to be a civil matter but also a criminal violation. opefully, the victim of this abuse will go to the local prosecutor, and ask that a criminal investigation be opened.
Depending on circumstances, there may also be a Federal Crime here.
That is definitely
illegal abuse of the system and she should collect a tidy sum for the violation.
Note - this was San Francisco
so what happens elsewhere? The tone of the letter aso makes it sound morally superior to the recipient - another stuck up religious bigot? Aren't these people trained not to make such personal remarks?
Every sect has their Zealots
It is my observatiion of Christians that there are some who really feel thay alone can change the world and do whatever it takes to make that change. Those are the ones who give Christians a bad reputation.
I go to a pentecostal church, am accepted for being myself and have the love of every one there. I think ( and this is my opinion) organized religions tends to find a way to make everone who is not like them feel they are not welcomed and that they are an abomination.
The WWJD concept is certainly not followed, I think asking ourselves What did Jesus Do
gives us a concept of the person who accepted all no matter what there infliction or belief.
Anytime an organization forms under the concept of what they believe is Gods vision it gets distorted.
I have spent the majority of my life being attacked by the Zealots and when I found the current church I currently attend, I really did feel I was where I belonged.
I don't ever remember being told/trained to not make the remarks that some of the Zealot Christians do.
I do have a standard I have come to live with it's called Sincere Uncritical Acceptance
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.