First Post

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My first post here. I have been a lurker on this site for YEARS. I have really enjoyed reading the stories over the years, but for reasons unknown to me I never joined or posted. However, for some reasons I finally feel the winds of change blowing. I'm not sure where they are going to take me, I'm hoping for fair winds. But I finally decided that I needed to start saying how much I've enjoyed the stories over the years and how much joy they have brought me.




Welcome to the Big Closet Family Kelly-10

Always nice to have another member join the family even after years of lurking.

Huggles Kelly

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"


Thanks Angel,

It's .... well it's been well past time (that's another story). That I should have been here and posting. Some of it was fear, some of it was commitment, some of was I had to pay the bills.

6 years ago, I had talks, some not to good with my wife about the way I felt about my self and my life. It was a very hard time. We had talks before and I was ready to take the next step to start talking to a psych to get things moving. It was a bad time in the house. About the same time my grandfather died, who raised me like as if I was his own son. The day we left, my wife told me she was pregnant. That added insult to injury. We already had 2 great kids much older and we had discussed how I could transition, but with the new baby on the way that stopped. I have spent the last 5 years dealing with that pain and loss. Since then the dream has never died, but it has been dimmed a lot.



Welcome Kelly!

[email protected] While I didn't 'lurk' for years; months seemed like too long to wait! I've only been here for several months myself. In that time I've found friends, family, and Love. All of which are in to short supply on this planet of ours. I hope you find as much joy as I have. It really is a wonderful place.(Thanks Erin!)

Great Big Welcoming HUGS,
Jonelle-Elise(Bailey's Cuter Half!) ;)

BTW Another member referred to it as 'hovering'. I like that term so much more. Sounds far less sinister, and more appropriate.(wink&grin)


Thanks for the great welcome Jonelle ...its really appreciated. So yes I've hovered for a long time ... read my other post to find out why.



Welcome Kelly

Angharad's picture

Glad you've stopped lurking and are going to join in the fun, c'mon in the water's lovely, don't forget your bikini.

Angharad ;)



Can I start with a one piece and migrate to a bikini? I have a bit of weight to get rid of first .... or how about move it to its proper place.


Don't worry!

We don't judge by appearances over here - besides which, as we're not actually physically looking at each other, we don't necessarily know what everyone looks like in real life. So you could say you had a slim, young, well-toned body, flowing shoulder-length blonde locks, etc. and we'd be none the wiser... :)

OK, some might get suspicious with a description as vain as that, but you get the idea!


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Which of course reminds me of a famous cartoon

"we don't necessarily know what everyone looks like in real life. So you could say you had a slim, young, well-toned body, flowing shoulder-length blonde locks, etc. and we'd be none the wiser... :)"

Which of course reminds me of a famous cartoon, one of the best ever at capturing the nature of the Internet:



{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

True ....

But I just feel more comfortable with a one piece, give me time to work up to a Bikini.

Bikini? Burka?

You could do worse than a victorian bathing costume :)

Mind you, you'll have to supply your own bathing machine, and the horses to pull it in and out of the water!




Dear Kelly

Welcome to this fabulous community. My second anniversary here will be in mid January, and like you, I read stories but did not join.

It can be fun, but also sometimes a trying experience.




Hi Kelly!

Do you write, as well? Letus know who you are-enquiring minds (you know, busybodies) want to know!


Hi Wren

Well, I've had ideas for stories always running around but I have never put them to paper. That I left to my wife who self published a book .... we still have copies in the house.

Who am I ... WOW .. you really ask the hard questions. We'll let's see ... I'm a gamer, I'm a geek, I'm a techie, I'm a good friend, I'm a great listener, I'm a someone who hold too much inside, I'm also still trying to find out exactly who I am and where I belong ..... sometimes I feel like using a line from a favorite song "I'm an over 40 victim of fate."

One day I may try my hand at writing, however for now I'll prob stick to blog posts.



I lurked for years. To quote Gaiman, I was an Olympic-class lurker; if Springsteen had ever recorded an album called 'Born to Lurk', I would have been on the cover. Then one of our best-loved writers thought publicly about calling it a day, so I registered to shout "No! Don't do it!"

I kept lurking, but then one day after a series of particularly bad PTSD episodes I decided to try my hand at giving something to the community here. They haven't actually complained much yet, so I have continued. It makes my life easier.

The UK satirical magazine Private Eye makes fun of the overuse of that C-word, but here it is accurate. This little place is a community. Welcome to our second home.


Thanks for the warm welcome. I was a world class lurker for years too. I just finally realized it was time to say hello and stop being that person that was looking in from the window.

PTSD can be bad and most people don't realize that it can happen to anyone for a multitude of reasons. I hope you are getting help for that, it does get better. Just try to be aware of your triggers.

Thanks again, and I am happy to finally come inside and stop looking thru the window.


Hi Kelly and welcome!

I lurked for a couple years on another story site, then finally was directed, no make that urged, to come here by one of my favorite writers. I found the community here so friendly and compassionate that I found myself participating in the fun before long.

Now that you're a full fledged member, have the card in your wallet and the bumper sticker and know the secret handshake, do me a favor and go re-read some of your favorite stories, then leave a comment to the authors letting them know what you think. It's the only "payment" they get, and everyone needs encouragement.

Again, welcome!


Hi Carla

Thanks for the welcome. I will have to go back and make some comments. Which may take me a while as there are so many great stories I have read here over the years.

