To All...

Dear Family, Friends, and Faithful Readers...

I have just finished a two year commitment, packed up my belongings, and am in the process of starting yet another new life. This will be my third. Tomorrow, the new love of my life (read "Second Chance")will arrive and we will embark on a getting reacquainted cruise for one week. After that we will directly fly to Boston and then on home to Ireland.

Though I was born in South Boston and spent most of my twenty six years in this country, home has always been where my family is. Three sisters, my beloved former guardian Cait and her four little ones, my new in-laws to be and Kevins three little ones all await my return. This will be a home coming unlike any other!

Therefore, the next chapter of Ice Tiger, and several other pieces, will be slightly delayed. Please rest assured that I will continue to post little tales now and that my family (Mom, Gram. sisters, aunts, cousins, and others)will not find me a stranger here.

I also wish to thank Erin and her gifted group of cohorts for providing this place for us; a place where we may be who we are in safety and acceptance. Many the blessings of their goodness come back to them three fold.

May We All Know Peace and Love on This Day and All That May Follow...


P.S. Inquiries may be addressed to the public relations firm of DiMaggio and Associates. :)

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