Well, today I was told to stay off work. Snow had closed it down, and looking out the window at nine eleven PM my time, the snow is still coming down, and the road past my placeis nearly shut. The drifts on my walk around today were nearly at my knees. Not big stuff compared to other countries, but it's bad enough fora cyclist. Ice under powder snow, now being covered with fat flakes. So...I should call myself 'Walker' now!
new user name
Well you could attach a snow shovel to your bike and probably become the first bicycle powered snow plower. Do not forget to add chains to the bike tires for traction.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
You have just triggered a real flashback there!
A 'bikedozer' featured in a book called 'Rex Milligan's Busy Term', by Anthony Buckeridge, author of the Jennings books. Rex was a character aimed at young teenage boys, and like Jennings he was a public school boy, where public school means private, fee-paying privilege. My father bought me the book, and I never explained to him the rather poor fit of a rich schoolboy to my own interests, or situation, as he died before I could.
Funny how a gentle joke can bring up all sorts of memories....
My Friend Mary In Scotland
My friend Mary in Scotland told me she had 18 inches of it outside her door with a major mound of snow on the overhang over her front door, just waiting to drop on any unfortunate soul who dares to venture out. You're right about being a walker for a few days. I don't think bikes have four wheel drive on them. LOL!
4-wheel drive bicycle snowplough
Now there's a concept to conjure with.
I can fall over without snow so, at the moment, there's no chance.
Dog sledding, anyone?
Four wheels
I remember a publicity vehicle at a CriticalMass ride in London, where a silhouette of a rhino was carried by two tandems fixed side by side. Mind you, that was the ride on which there were stereo radio-connected speakers on two separate bikes, so it was a Friday of innovation and invention.
Snow big deal
I can see snow on the mountains from the street outside. Oh, wait, it melted already. False alarm. :)
Don't get me wrong, it gets cold here, got down to 26F last linght, and believe me in a mobile home with very little insulation, that's cold.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Wow! That's cold
That has to be record cold for your area this time of year.
We got about three or four inches, which isn't so bad unless it starts to drift and blow. I know it was coming sooner or later but I would have liked later. Oh well, I guess my afternoons are going to spend shoveling.
Here in Warwickshire we had a light dusting on Saturday, about an inch Monday night, and nothing at all since, unless you count occasional flurries that are so light they get blown in all directions by the wind and don't really settle. So I'm sitting here, half wondering what all the fuss is about... (only half wondering, because a quick look at practically any UK news website shows practically everywhere else in the country is inundated with the cold, wet, white stuff)
Even if we managed to have a huge snowfall, since my street is on a bus route, it gets gritted, so the most snow I'd have to clear would be about six foot between the car and pavement, which also gets a generous dose of the rock salt from the gritters.
So the chances of me having a "snow day" are virtually nil :(
Meanwhile, a couple of interesting articles from BBC News:
Why do we get so excited about snow?
Extreme World: Oymyakon
Then again, Vosok Station, Antarctica once reached -89°C. Ouch!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Move to Florida
We too are having a cold spell it is going to get to the freezing mark maybe for a day or 2 LOL someone has to live hear SO I pick me HUGS RICHIE
come visit anytime
Back in the days when I was allegedly healthy and actually had a paying job that I liked doing, I managed to cycle the two-and-a-half miles from home to work through five inches of snow.
I managed it with ease, unlike those who normally came by car from closer locations and failed to make it at all. About half that route was on a major ring road so was reasonably well cleared, but the other half was down a steep hill and was quite... interesting.
I kept that up for most of a week until the snow got so compacted it was like riding over a corrugated skating rink. That was fun. I gave in and took the bus.
I will send you a PM on that one!
All change
Now raining heavily....tip to self: when putting on wet weather gear, including waterpfoof overshoes, check that your cycling shoes don't have ventilation slots in the soles. Makes the waterproof covers a tad redundant.
Should be tights hanging over the bath, not socks.