Somehow, my short story is approaching 1,200 episodes, so it's time I asked if readers want me to continue it for a bit longer - the last time was two hundred episodes ago. This is of course assuming our gracious landlady will permit accommodation for a bit longer - maybe we could all give a little more towards the rent, I know she struggles with it.
I'm still working on a Hatbox story, but it's very slow, plus I have a Gabysode in progress and I know someone would like another Bonkers for her Christmas present, plus I get asked about Snafu and Charlotte fairly regularly.
Anyway, if you'd like me to continue scribbling Bike - despite having lost the plot years ago, please let me know - comment, pm, email, bribery, or let Erin know preferably with a few pennies so we can keep this wonderful place open.
Thank you.
Angharad, Bonzi(chaos creator)& Izzy(catering manager).

Angharad; I can't answer for everyone here But, I would like to see it to continue. That is you to answer as I know it takes alot of your time everyday to continue this excelant story that I and many others come to read everyday. Thank You! Richard
Ask a silly question...
You keep writing 'em, I'll keep on posting inane comments and intermittently updating that darn spreadsheet! (Plug Plug - see link below - Plug Plug)
As I've said multiple times beforehand, if you want to spend some time working on other stuff, feel free to take a few days off writing Bike - as long as you pre-warn us, we'll understand. After all, there are only so many hours in the day, most of which are spent working, sleeping, or doing other essential real life activities.
Oh, and for the sake of our collective sanity, if you do have a mini-break from Bike, try not to leave us on a life-or-death cliffhanger :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Angharad, I love Bike.
Angharad, I love Bike. Reading it is one of the highlights of my day!
Of course I guess that says more about how dull my days are, doesn't it?
I'd certainly understand if you wanted to take some time off to work on other projects.
Oh, and I'd be willing to send some bribes to Bonzi and Izzy, if that would help. <grin>
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Bribes! What a good idea!
Listen kris
Bike is also one of the highlights of my day and I'm far too busy to have any 'dull days'.
Now listen here Anharad ap Gwylym! Don't you dare give up on bike unless you give us lots and lots of warning to prepare for being starved of our fix. Most of us will have to go into a 'Literary clinic' if you stop writing Bike. Do you realise you've got a tiger by the tail now!
However you have my full permission to take as many breaks as you like and as long as you like if you need to recharge your batteries.
My suspicion is that secretly, your addicted to writing bike every bit as much as we're addicted to reading it.
Still lovin' it.
Growing old disgracefully.
Why it's become an institution, I say!
Here in the Colonies in America, the longest running sitcom was, "The Adventures Of Ozzie and Harriett", at 14 years. I have seen Cathy literally grow into her life. I remember the first time I encountered her; a very frightened and confused young male who was "bunched up" like a horse getting ready to jump a stream, until, as we later find out, was no male at all! Then came the catastrophe on the bike; getting knocked off in a rain storm by a daffy Nurse driving a car.LOL We didn't find out her assailant's name until Chapter 6. Stella, that's it. She gave him the push he needed and Cathy finally came into the light of day full of stage fright.
I am afraid there will never be a Simon for me, and he seems to have been exactly what she needed.
I could not believe it at first when children were actually released into her care, but she has matured into that also. What a delightful journey.
I must say that at first the Chapters were so short at first that I gave up at Ch 20 and did not resume reading the story until it had gotten to about 800. Of course, I went back and started at 1 again. I still remember it took me I think about three weeks, in my spare time to catch up and read that way it is a rollicing adventure. I have been hooked ever since.
I know that this will have to stop someday, but please not until you have only nubins for fingers. :)
Much peace
As long as you want to write 'em, I'll keep reading 'em!
I don't mind if you take a break, though. I might even catch up to you! I love this story. You inspired to start writing here, and I had a minor heart attack at the thought of an ending!
I do know how hard it can be to keep the story going. The creative demands, and the demands on your time, etc., are so high, especially the way you write! I truly admire you.
What a silly question, though. Of course I want more!
I'd be delighted... see this series continue, but only if you want to.
If there's a Bikesode available when I log on here, it's always the first thing I'll read.
Thanks too, to the rest of the authoring team, for the part they play in making it happen, including the unnamed recipient of the nightly phone calls.
Crikey, 1,200 episodes! The dodecaphiles are going to have a field day. What will they do to celebrate?
Thank you Angharad, there must be times when you feel unappreciated, but rest assured that we love you for your daily efforts. Just don't let the milestones become millstones.
Positive Support
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Easy as falling off a bloke
Cathy was almost sizing up a new conquest till he turned out to be gay. You can't leave us hanging and this current thread will have to go another 300 installments at least don't you think?
Think of the children! Think of Bonzi! When else would they be able to get all the quality time they have with you knowing that for some time every evening you will be stationary and awake enough for an ear scratch or a back rub?
Do it for them! Ok, do it for us.
Nah, do it for me, I love this story.
Bike Continuation
You write and I will read. As long as you feel like writing this story line I'll be happy. It doesn't even have to be a DAILY episode if you want to continue yet do other writing.
Well is the Pope Catholic?
Do bears c**p in the woods? Will Inland Revenue tax the hell out of you?
Silly sod you are :-).
And PS's thought above sum up my feelings.
As long as you continue writing it, I'll continue reading it.
A Copy of a PM to Angharad
I'm amazed how long you have kept this going. You found out, like Sir A C D did that it is not wise to kill off your hero(ine). I think most of us are pleased that you have allowed Cathy to have a very full and interesting life in spite of the fact she is only in her middle to late 20's. I know I won't have all the names right, but here goes.
Even though it took Stella to jump start her, it is very obvious that she made the correct decisions. She is a loving and capable mother, loving but headstrong wife, and is blessed with powers that neither she nor anyone else understands. She has had the good fortune to find and rescue several transgendered children, plus just plain rescuing three or four others (that includes Simon and Stella).
What would I like to see happen? Many have expressed, as I did earlier, that Cathy's blessed daughters should work their blue light to make Cathy complete. It should also be reciprocated for her daughters that want it. Cathey should continue her research and ensure that Dormeese will survive. She will get her doctorate. Her life should quiet down; however, she should be allowed to come out of 'retirement' every once in a while to solve a mystery. Julie should marry and have many children and win acclaim as a cosmotologist for the stars. Our little chess player, forgot her name, will become a nuclear physicist and champion chess player in her spare time. Meems will become a very talented actress known for ability to mimic various accents. Her language abilities will become legende/ary (Sp, I can't decide). Of course Cathy will continue to bike, and the other daughter, by now XX, will be a champion. Cathy will birth at least three children of her own. One of her daughters will decide she should have been a boy, and her genius daughter will fix that.
I think Cathy needs a rest. This continued infusion of adrenelin can't be good for her blood pressure. Simon will continue to be a doting husband, in spite of the fact that Cathy has to keep after him about his weight and drinking. Julie will find a way to convert alcohol to water and CO2 so that no one suffers from too much imbibing.
Anyway, just some thoughts. Thank you for a very entertaining time.
I am Continuously Amazed
at the talent required to create, off-the-cuff, such an addictive storyline (...and I am hopelessly addicted). I look forward to all that you (and your contributing authors, Bonzi & Izzy) are willing to give us. As many others have noted, if you need time for other pursuits (especially creating/continuing other storylines), so be it. As long as you are willing to create, I am a willing/addicted reader who appreciates your art.
I would be happy
to see more of Bike every day as usual. BUT, and that's capitalized on purpose, if you felt a need to take a break for awhile to write other stuff and get up-to-date, we MIGHT live through it, as long as you gave us a longer chapter of Bike in between. Now, I'm gonna go hide from the fall-out.
Please, Please, Please Continue
I really hope you will continue to write many more episodes of 'Bike'. Looking for the next instalment is one the the first things I do every morning...
Thank you for giving us this daily dose of entertainment.
All been said
And said well.
Please, Miss, can I have some more?
More Bike?
Yes please, YES please, yes PLEASE, YES PLEASE, Y E S P L E A S E. (Message ends, almost).
And thank you very much for all the wonderful story so far; as Tony the Tiger said, it's been 'GGRREEAATT!'
'Bike' is an institution; whether you should be in one for writing it, or we should be for being addicted to it, is debatable.
(Tony the Tiger featured in a breakfast cereal advert on British TV umpteen years ago.)
Cathy, I would love to see
Cathy, I would love to see "Bike" continue for as long as you wish to write it and offer it to us to read. I feel the plot has not been lost as you put it, the plot is to keep us all on-line reading your wonderful story(ies). You and Bonzi and now Izzy make a super team in prose. May your Muse(s) continue to assist you for a long, long time. Jan
It's simple...
It's simple... As long as you're having fun turning it out and as long as you can keep the "freshness" there... We'll (okay, I'll) keep turning up to read. :-)
I still find things in it that talk to me in various ways.
I will admit that I'm torn, a little, though. Why? I suspect that all your Bike writing has taken time away from your other projects... I'd hate to think that you're not writing other things (that you might enjoy more) just to keep up my fix here.
Thanks for all the fun,
Re: Bike
Dear Angharad
Having read the comments already posted, I can only concur with the sentiments they have expressed.
It is entirely up to you whether or not to continue. Should you decide to stop, many people would be sad, including me, but they would eventually recover.
I am certain you have other stories you would like to tell. I am also certain, your loyal band of readers will be happy with whatever you publish.
Now, if it takes bribery for you to continue long enough to give Cathy and family a happy ending, just let me know.
I am positive a suitable payment would appear in a glass jar hidden in a garden
Anne G..
Please continue as long as your muse, time, energy and motivation allows you to provide us with the episodes.
What else should I read as daily bedtime story? :D
What a silly question!
As long as you're prepared to write 'em I'm prepared to read 'em.
Please Keep On
Add my vote for a continuation of the Bike Epos
Please keep it going
I have read all the other comments so far, and can think of nothing extra to add.
I beleive everybody has already said all that needs to be said.
When I came across this story you were at chapter 600, and I then started at one and read it right through (took awhile to catch up), but have not missed a day since, except when there was no post.
Please do not stop.
keep going
i'm not current yet, but i'm catching up. please keep it going.
I'll keep reading them