It's that time of year again

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According to my mother 62 years ago, my dad came home from the office party the worse for wear. Trying not to make much noise, he went up stairs carrying his shoes which he then managed to drop down them. My mother was rather pregnant and I appeared the next morning, all 5lb 2oz of me. The morning was the 3rd December 1952. (A week later the Christine Jorgensen story broke - pure coincidence, I expect).

This rebuts all rumours about my being found under a gooseberry bush, though some might like to see me there now.


(An old photo so imagine my hair a bit greyer and it won't be too far away).



Angharad's picture

got home a bit late from work, so won't have time to write Bike, early start tomorrow meeting my daughter and my ex in Bath for lunch - if I can find something to wear.




shiraz's picture

Happy birthday Ang (although it's not quite midnight in Blighty). This is one of the things that we share - Dec 3rd is also my birthday!

- - - -

Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

Oh my!

Andrea Lena's picture

Two precious women sharing the same birthday! Good for everyone that you both were born!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Happy B-Day

tmf's picture

Happy B-Day to both of you.
Best wishes, good health and lot of Happiness

Twin Huggles tmf
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness


I knew I was even older than that, my child. I actually have a step daughter born on 12/05, my grandson on 12/09, and my father and a niece on 12/15. also have a couple others tossed in there. Happy birthday, you're in good company

Happy B-Day!

Happy Birthday, young lady. And, many more.

Red MacDonald

3rd December

A very happy birthday to you , I hope you have a good day. Thank you for all your literary efforts on our behalf.


Happy birthday, Angharad!

Happy birthday, Angharad! Here's wishing you many, many more years filled with good health and happiness.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Waited until

after midnight so i could wish you happy birthday on the the correct day, , Hope you have a really lovely day and the weather is kind to you , Dunno what it was like 62 years ago but hopefully it was not too cold , Would have been a little chilly under that gooseberry bush !



Birthday attire

Well I hope you find something to wear. Showing up in public, naked on your birthday, at least once is more then enough. Granted you were coming out of your bedsit. I hope it brings you new wonderful memories. You deserve them.

I probably wanna know, what I don't know

Happy B-day

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

It's the third where you are. My granddaughter share that wonderful B-day as well.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Well ...

Happy Birthday. Happy Hols, Merry Christmas, or what ever applies. OH, and have a jolly good Lunch and all that rot, eh? You look quite attractive.

Khadijah. Just sitting here waiting for all my hair to grow back. :)

Happy birthday,

ChrisP's picture

dear Angharad, and may you live as long as you love and love as long as you live.

All the very best,


Don't ever feed your Aardvark honey.

Congrats girl!

Lovely image too. You're lookin' good girl and I'm so glad you're up to going out again.
I was in Bath today with Lex and Mattia enjoying the Christmas market etc. Tomorrow I'm meeting a potential buyer for my portfolio then hopefully I'll shed the burden of house repairs and wingeing tenants.
Sleep well and try to enjoy your meal tomorrow. I understand what awful issues it will inevitably resurrect. It'll be something similar for me on Dec 20th (Our wedding anniversary) Thinking of you a lot.



My very best wishes for today AND onward!

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

You are such a young thing, so delicate and pure... I do have the correct person here right? (Of course, as your elder, I am allowed to call you young. - I - was born 1952 07 10, LONG before you were.)

All the best dear.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Happy Birthday

rlarueh007's picture

Yes Happy Birthday Angie And hope you have at least Forty plus more of them Richard

A very merry birthday to you!

Try not to eat too much cake!

Unless it's cheesecake. There's no such thing as too much cheesecake.

Melanie E.

Happy Birthday to you and may

Happy Birthday to you and may you have many, many more. Your photo is very nice, and it shows us all a really pretty woman and our most favorite author. Hugs and Blessings to you. Janice Lynn

Happy birthday

I wish you a wonderful day, and indeed a wonderful year!
Thanks for all the delights you have served us up.

P.S. You're only really a young thing - although I was also born in the 50s, you're still younger than I.

Many Happy returns on this your anniversary of your birth.......

you arrived on the scene around Christmas soooo, have a very merry Christmas as well as a birth celebration. Being of the older generation, I remember 1952 as well as any other year (which is not as accurate as it used to be).

If it wasn't so long past my bedtime, I would raise a glass for you - make that a fine single malt - I will wait until much later in the day to toast BC's most famous author!

I was interrupted in my writing as the snowplow went roaring past my drive. I guess winter is coming! Can Christmas be far behind?

Happy Birthday and best wishes for many, many more!


May the sun always shine on your parade

Lying On Your Back

joannebarbarella's picture

With goosegogs dropping into your mouth (or kiwifruit these days). Life can't get much better than that, young lady. Happy Birthday,

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Ang.

Have a wonderful day darling. The sun is shining, so Bath should be a lovely place to visit today.

speak to you soon
Lots of Love
Anne G.

Many Happy Returns.

Hope you have a lovely bath. Just the once each year is it whether you need it or not? Or did I misread your post? Our postman was wearing shorts a couple of days ago and he told me he'd cycled in to work that morning, too. It wasn't actually freezing but it was bloody cold. So there you are - your best cycling shorts and a CTC jersey. What could be smarter?

Thanks for all your writings and for giving me a quiet snigger or even a belly laugh and occasionally making my eyes leak each late evening.
