Transgender people learn at US school to speak as the person they are…

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Here's an interesting article I ran across about voice classes.


I also find it interesting that this is reported in The Canadian Press and not in any US press.




we have a speach class here

that is available for transgender people. (not sure about the cost).

"Life isn't all butterflies and rainbows"



More importantly

A letter bomb, apparently for being trans. Bastards.

I was going to make the Bonzo joke about being two separate gorillas before reading that bit.

Giving directions

I don't think many people in the UK (male or female) would give directions in terms of compass points. Our road system simply isn't laid out like that as it's developed over the millennia from footpaths which tended to follow topography and avoid natural obstructions like boggy ground. In fact I would think pubs are the most common route pointers here for both (all?) genders, followed by road numbers. And keen cyclists might give different directions from drivers as they probably know their area very much better than most.

Interesting article though. The only TS I know well used to do a lot of semi-professional acting and her voice is totally convincing so perhaps her Thespian experience has served her well.



Audax route sheets, Enough said. The Naval 'bounds' of Portsmouth were set with reference to pubs.

Just give me the address!

I don't really think it is an either or thing as the experts say it is. I give and get directions both ways, though now days with the advent of GPS, I usually just ask for the address.


Speech Pathologist

I did not have much money, but I did spend about $200 on three sessions with a woman named Barbi Scott. I was not where I wanted to be when I finished, but she gave me things to practice and over the next year or so, I got better. We can do it.

Much peace
