So my new perverted pleasure is getting away with being a girl on the phone and doing phone sex with guys via craigs list. I'm not sure if I should be surprised how many guys are interested in a father / daughter type of exchange. It's almost to the point that I am considering trying to make a few $ from it,
does anyone else do this or something like it or is it just me?
I recall hearing something about one of the highest paid phone sex operators being a guy. I looked for the article but cant' find it. Not my cup of tea, but a girl has got to make a living.
There's a delicious irony in you giving those peeeeverts a woody with your airy conversation.
But please don't let them get too close to you, else you could come to a watery end.
a bit more
well I'm never going to meet a man since I don't look anything like whatever picture I scrape off of some cute girls myspace profile so I'm safe there. I actually I try to get a picture of a girl that is a bit chubby, cute but not too cute, - something that might be believable.
But really a few pictures and a couple emails and guys are pretty quick to send you their phone number and it's off to the races, surprising really. And I wasn't sure about it at first but I'm surprised by how happy it makes me to get a man excited and help him cum. It's so to bad I'm not passable since I think I would enjoy everything that could come with that. Perhaps it's time to get a date with a guy? One who wouldn't mind me wearing some things? I don't know but for now it's phone fun.
Anyway, happy holidays all.
I was going to be a prostitute.
Two or three years ago, I was so poor. I had a $100 a month for food. I was just about to put adds on Craigs List to be a prostitute At the time, it was my intent to have some guy to pick me up take me out, find me out, and kill me. I was all ready, when some help came my way and I no longer needed to do it. It was a close thing, and way across the line for me emotionally.
One of the problems with SKYPE, when you first get it is to learn how to stop just any wag from contacting me. Well, with a name like Khadijah, you can guess the kind of calls I got. Fortunately, I learned from my mistakes but not before I had the following experiences. One man, named something like Ahab, called me, and he was oh so handsome. His latin complexion and his accent were simply mesmerizing. He asked me to turn on my camera, so I donned my Hijab and did so. Gosh, the guy was such a rush to talk to! Wa Allah! So over a period of time, he asked me to put on Abaya, and finally Niqab (facecovering). He said I was of such beauty that it made his heart pound! He thumped the table loudly to illustrate. I was completely taken in. Ahab then asked me to dance to Arab drums that he began to play. (I love to belly dance and have CD for to learn it) He said I was so lovely. I thought Yallah (Come on). and then he asked me to took my clothes off, but leave Niqab on.
Since Mr Happy was still with me, the connection got broken, he got blocked and that was it for Mr Ahab.
Loneliness can reduce a person down to the point that they will do things that they would not normally do. Another guy, who said he was Moroccan, but sounded like a bloody Aussie, wanted to see my breasts, and since it was 1:00 AM and he sounded so sweet, I showed im what I got. He was up whippin is willie, and subesquently got 'ees stuff all over his camera lense. Yup, disconnect and blocked im I did.
That's not too bad, Gwen
I met a guy named Ahab who wanted to throw harpoons at me :(
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Arg, he wanted to harpoon me alright!
I think he was from Egypt, too far to go for it! LOL
However, there have been cases where a girl talking on line to a Middle Eastern guy wakes up in the morning to him knocking on her door. Remember, I am Muslimah, and are with these people all the time when I am home in Oregon. Middle Eastern guys, while they are extremely handsome, and really know how to bend a woman's ear, take no responsibility for their actions. My sisters are very careful about covering around men because if he gets randy, it will likely be blamed on her.
Can't you just see how it would all go down if my Sheik woke me up in the morning with roses and chokolate' and then found out that I could not bear him a child and later he found out my history! Yallah!! The whole idea is more frighening than Aliens!
Best I keep my romantic ideas on the printed page, wallah!
Khadijah Gwen
phone sex
I did it once. It was amazing.
Very satisfying that your voice passes... however it was only that one time.
I always get called sir on the phone.
I say...hi my name is 'kathy'.
they say. 'Oh yes sir.'
*la sigh*
M'lady is a phone sex
M'lady is a phone sex operator. Makes 50 cents a minute while talking on the phone. She could be on for as much as 20 hours and she only gets about $350 to $400 per month.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
how does it work?
20 hours times 60 minutes equals 1200, .50 per minute is $600 which certainly isn't bad for a couple hours a week of work, its basically the rent. I would do this anytime, I do get called Ms on the phone sometimes and if I'm pinching up my voice a bit no one questions it. How would I start? Just post a message somewhere? Has anyone done this?
No, it's not "how long you
No, it's not "how long you are signed in" it's "how long do you TALK to the people". She will get two to three calls a day, averaging about 10 minutes each. That's $15/day, signed in 7 days a week... well, you get the idea. It's good to bring extra money in, not good to base your entire future on it.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Phone Sex
Hey, I guess if your a dresser like me we could chat, send me a message, yea? I could call you.
Feeling uncomfortable
I'm pretty sure this isn't something I'd do even if I was all girl with the sexiest of voices. I know there are different points of view, and a lot of people might see phone sex as a harmless outlet for sexual tension and less morally questionable than soliciting a prostitute or having an affair, but it still seems to be the thin end of the wedge from where I'm standing. I wouldn't want to make money out of feeding someone else's addiction, and I know from personal experience that getting your jollies through things like this is very much like an addiction and desensitises you to more normal pursuits.
Having said that, I'm very much aware that I'm standing on the verge of hypocrisy, if not already well over the edge and falling to my justly deserved doom, being as I am someone who seeks an outlet for my own frustrations in dreams and fantasies of being a girl. However I would say that for those of us who live in societies grey areas, we need to be very careful and thoughtful of what looks like fun as to whether it is something that enhances our humanity or something that dehumanises us and others.
Sorry for the preach, but I'm feeling my way here pretty much like the rest of us, and I'd like to think that where I'm going is a better place; certainly a better place than this seems to be. No that wasn't intended as a euphemism for Heaven, although I won't deny that that comes into my thinking.
Hey, that's the way you
Hey, that's the way you feel, and that's perfectly valid. No problems from me.
M'lady does it partly to help. The money is first, but she takes the creepy calls even though she hates them. Her philosophy is that if she can let some perv live his fantasies on the phone with her and spare one other person the pain of that perv's desires, then it's worth it.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
A valid point of view but...
...when you encourage perverse behaviour, doesn't it have a tendency to grow and reinforce itself?
Still like you say, you have you're way of looking at it and I have mine. I don't want to force my ideas on anyone.