A very peculiar engagement
Having read this story, it would be very easy for me to get carried away with commenting on how ridiculous ‘his’ views are. To say:
"People who think they are a woman trapped in a male body are, in my opinion, completely deluded. I certainly was."
Here is the link:
I will limit my comment to reiterate an old saying ‘he took the dressing up too far’ I am certain others will leave more pertinent comments
Love to all
Anne G
The Binary Mistake
One would hope that this person had learned that gender and sex are not the same thing--and that neither is a simple binary condition of either/or.
From reading the article, I'd say he has learned this but hesitates to admit it, wanting it to be otherwise. If the original man that he was had been able to go less than to the opposite pole, he wouldn't have had to make a return journey and leave himself feeling stranded. Good luck to him, he's had good and bad and I wish him a happy life and his fiancee, too. Perhaps, now he can be happy with who he is.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I read it in the Daily Mail
I agree with you, Erin. I'm soooo tired of the either/or* thinking. Geeezzzz Us already get past it, please, please, please. I'm not you, and be very thankful you're not me. And this horrid misunderstanding comes from allies and LGTQ's (and 'allies') as much as the homophobic sociopaths psychos sometimes.
Absolutely totally completely obligatory YT Link, for those USAians and those distant Commonwealthers who may think this story comes from a real newspaper (but it is true that bears shit in the woods. I saw one do it once.).
Hugs, Jan
*this is not a disparagement of Kierkegaard, as such. philosophy's different. though he does spend a lot of time talking about things he's already declared ineffable, I kind of like the guy.
My old Granny told me ...
... just after she'd taught me how to suck eggs, that when the Daily Mail was first published as a popular newspaper in the early part of the last century it was universally known as the Daily Liar. It hasn't changed :) I haven't actually read this particular story but in any case it's an old one. I think probably Kane did make a personal error but arguing from the particular to the general is always wrong - mostly. IIRC this was one case used to discredit Russell Reid of Charing Cross Hospital (which tended to specialise in SRS) but I'm not 100% certain.
I congratulate Jan S on her excellent taste ;)
a hole in both ends
Ya' gotta make a hole in BOTH ends, right? Amazing the number of people who don't know that now. (I taught my own grandmother how to suck eggs, and have been doing it for years now, i've been told.)
No so sure
This may be like a Jerry Springer fabrication. Between the hair, eyebrows look thinned and the nails are still sculpted longer than acceptably male. "He" also exudes something -not- male in the photo.
I have just posted a link to an earlier Guardian article on the same issues. Two things strike me about this one. Firstly,as MsChristine says, the appearance is not anywhere near 'butch' enough for the declared purpose and outlook.
Secondly,for overseas folk who may not be familiar with it, the 'Hate' Mail is a rabidly right wing rag that promotes itself as the voice of 'middle England' and is obsessed with property prices, privatisation of public services and immigration. On the other hand, it falls for every single bogus health scam ever invented.
One question came to mind looking at the couple,and reading of the age difference: would this be a good interview for Mrs Merton. A spoof interviewer, she once started a chat with the glamorous blonde wife/stage assistant of a short, bald and much older magician with the words "So, Debbie McGee, what was it that first attracted you to the multi-millionaire Paul Daniels?"
I tried goin back.
It was in April 2010. Read the blogs. I hope to never go through that again.
More info?
It would be interesting to know a bit more about how much contact he had with psychologists during his two transitions. The article is worded to make it sound almost like a flippant decision to go M-F, using his considerable wealth to fund the medical interventions. He then apparently spent a considerable period of time living as a woman before deciding to flip back.
However, it would be unwise to voice an opinion on whether he acted rashly or not without knowing if he went through the standard period of psychological assessment before undergoing the RLT before having genital reconfiguration. Then again likewise for the return trip.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I've read of this person before
Back during both of his transitions and at least one previous engagement. Money, as they say, can't buy peace of mind, it seems. You have to find it and grab it for yourself.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Strange Mistake
Reading your comment, Erin, I misread “Money can't buy peace of mind†as “Money can't buy penis of mindâ€, which I suppose in a loose sort of way could be apposite to the subject of the blog.
Strange things happen to my eyesight when it's past my beddy-byes time.
Good night, all.
Of course it would be a
Of course it would be a Daily Mail article, they love this story. It really panders to their own prejudices. As for Mr Kane, I really just wish he'd fade away and get on with his life leaving those of us who are happy with the results of our transitions alone.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I've also seen a documentary on him
not so much eccentric as barking with little evidence of being able to delay gratification in the film, where he bought a large boat and wanted immediate possession and to drive it down the Thames, despite never having driven one before. He's like a spoiled child with a wonderful display of tantrum, makes me look like an amateur. I suspect his transition to female and back again were in this vein, a bit like Tigger, 'cos being male/female is what Tiggers do best.