Charlotte's Test

I have been looking over the dozens of my story ideas stored on my computer, some of them years old and never likely to be started, never mind finished, and trying to work out why I never took them any further.

Most of them show the protagonist getting into an interesting, complex (and almost believable!) situation. But I now realise one particular fault is shared by many of them. In future, I'm going to rigorously ensure I don't fall into the trap again by applying "Charlotte's Test".

For each story idea, I have to answer the simple question: How does the story end?

Of course, before I can answer that question, I have to answer an even more important question: What is the story?

A story needs some kind of conflict and its resolution before it can be considered a story, and all too many of my ideas (and many of those I've seen suggested on this site) simply involve a situation without conflict.

If others have this same problem with their story ideas, I recommend the use of Charlotte's Test. I'll let you know in a few months whether it's working for me.

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