Granny Smith, winesap, gala, red delicious, macintosh, etc.

I realize I'm as guilty as most others here, but (Ah the ubiquitous "but".) I would like to throw out the challenge; let's try to understand what what commenters are saying, and REALLY try to see if the thought behind the comment differs from one's own, before agruing strenuously that "what *I* have to say is unique and 'Oh so different' from what *you* just posted".

I have recently REFUSED to counter some posts that basically restated what I said in different language. When I read the posts, I could only chuckle and think to myself the differences were symantic at best. I also thought that by recommenting the only thing that would really happen was the arguement would be further drawn out. - *W* - What-ever!

I have, on the other hand, also seen many people commenting "I agree with 'so and so'" ----- WELL DONE, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!

Thank you.

with love,
