If you are plnning a holiday (vacation) in the Italian seaside resort of Castellammare di Stabia, don't bother to pack any of your minisirts, because you might end up with a hefty fine–or even in jug?
A seaside city in Italy is planning to ban miniskirts and other revealing clothing to improve what the mayor calls standards of public decency.
Castellammare di Stabia is trying to be the latest location in Italy to make use of new powers to crack down on what is deemed to be anti-social behaviour.
Mayor Luigi Bobbio said the regulations would help "restore urban decorum and facilitate better civil co-existence".
Offenders would face fines of between €25 ($35) and €500 ($696).
For the full story see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11617091
Perhaps Italian men are easier to arouse than others, or is it that Mayor Bobbio gets dazzled too easily?
–whose legs are no longer miniskirt material :-(
I should open up a shop to sell Victorian style bathing suits?
Next they'll try to outlaw children giggling.
Carla Ann
Does anyone else find this odd?
I mean Berlusconi has a fair bit of form when it comes to female glamour and wild partying with attendant models. It seems rather out of character to insist on Victorian dress standards ... or perhaps not *shrug* I wonder if local police are going to carry out measurements on skirt length - could well be a popular duty :)
Oh my!
Next thing you know, they'll be outlawing thongs!
I have lttle to worry about. If I wore a mini skirt, I'd be arrested just about anywhere!
Probably a Ploy
It's probably a gimmick to get their town on the
map because I never never heard of the town.
Does that apply to Transvestires as well?
If they object to me or my sisters for wearing miniskirts could we charge them with transphobic assault uneder European law.
Seems fair.
One would think
if you were going to have a skirt law then it'd be in the reverse....oh clever boy. He's using reverse psychology, this will anger women to wear short sexy little skirts in protest of this law!
Exactly what the clever bugger might want.
Bailey Summers
About time!
As I go for the Gothic/EGA and Loligoth/EGL look myself, I think it's about time this disgusting display of knees was stopped! Skirts and dresses need to be below the knees or longer, preferably black or a dark color. Anything else is just indecent! And proper stockings should always be worn. With garter belts. And corsets. Nice tight ones that draw in the waist to a properly slim dimension and push up the breasts, creamy white melon . . . uh . . . that's enough information.
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Don't wear it, take it off, take it all off! Perhaps that's an interesting idea..
I love you all...