I would like to be certain that our community knows When This Years Day of Remembrance Occurs.
This years Remembrance will occur in most places on November 29, 2010.
Make no mistake this violence has touched out little community. It was this time last year that T. D. Aldoennetti was murdered in her house.
Our community lost the following this year. I don't know of anyone other than Teddi who lost their lives to violence.
This year, These are the People of our community who have lost their lives:
` Margaret Jeanette
` Tommy Davis
` Goldie Hunter
` T.D. Aldoennetti
Please think of ways YOU can do something to remember our dead.
May God Bless You and Keep You Safe
Chaplain Beth Woodbury
P.S.: My Pseudonym is Beth Williams
Chaplain Beth,
'we can only hope that the Good Lord has mercy on them and that their souls rest in peace.Amen.
We will remember them.
The Date is Nov. 20. that is SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2010
I was wondering...
...about that. Thank you for the reminder!
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
is too darn common towards our community. And what may be worse than the violence others do, is the internalized self-hatred that many of us suffer with, that can lead to suicide if unchecked. Somehow, some way we have to convince ourselves and the outside world that THERE IS NOTHING "WRONG" WITH US. We are different but that is a neutral thing, neither good nor bad. We are who we are, we do not threaten anyone else, nor do we deserve to be threatened. Hugs to all from Dorothy.
Transgender Day of Rememberance
It is sometimes hard to know just based on news stories how many trans folk have been murdered or suicided. Often if it is a suicide, the dead may not have left a note, or they may not have been out to anyone even in their family. Or the family feels embarrassed by the fact, and just do not mention it. When murdered, the newsfolk often unkindly simply say the victim was a "man in a dress" though that is getting marginally better (if proper gender pronouns in relation to a murder or suicide can be said to be better).
There was a recent article about some Turkish representatives to a TG conference in Oslo? who were harrassed at a club and on the street. Embedded in the article was a comment that more than 30 transgendered women were murdered in Europe between January and September, and violence against trans women seemed to be up.
Then the serial killer(s) of young trans prostitutes in Brazil seems to continue unabated, and not much worried about by the local cops. And there were several "honor killings" in the middle East including Iran where the transwoman was murdered by her brothers after her surgery, and another in Saudi Arabia. That's just what made the news.
The effect that violence can have on the young trans women and men in our own country includes the fear of that violence, which can affect depression and suicide. At least one recently transitioned 19 year old committed suicide out of the fear and depression over being harrassed and fearing more violence, according to her parents. I think that was in January of this year. Ahh, and there were a couple of murders or suicides in Texas, one in Houston and one in the Dallas/Ft Worth area that was mentioned by Joel Burns in his appeal to end bullying of gay kids and those perceived to be gay in schools.
I don't know if the web page has been updated for the TDoR? I don't take a newspaper so I have no appreciation of what the total number of trans murders in the country this year. A recent study by several entities about suicide among trans folk reported the rate as over 46% IIRC, though that was strictly interview with people who had tried suicide but survived. We really have no idea how many succeed, since the families may control the information or no note is left. Hmm, I think I already said that.