Hello Big Closet:
Very happy to be here. I am not any way near the caliber of writer of anyone here so my meager dribbles will hardly be noticed. So no threat ;-)
I love this genre of stories. I have some small issues with some force fem style but I have big heart and loads of forgivness. ;-)
I have been graciously offered a position as a proofer for Bouser so get those stories into da boss okay?
Thanks again.
Be talking to you all.
Welcome and enter of your own free will! You picked the right time to show up. With yet another new contest starting am sure we will have something for you to look at soon!
Leigh Richards
Oh! Boy!
Looking forward to it but have to wait for the boss ya know.
Leigh Richards
Hi Leigh,
Welcome to the community! The more the merrier.
Please don't feel your own efforts are unworthy. All writers start with the same alphabet and work up from there. I hope you'll be inspired to write and contribute.
I also have personal problems with certain themes, but we all have our own tastes. That's part of what makes diversity interesting.
Have fun and enjoy!
Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Leigh Richards
Thank you for your very kind words but you haven't seen my stories yet! I'll try my best and as I keep reading you authors I am sure that I will pick up good habits. ;-)
I would have asked to join your group but I am not blonde and I did not wish to missrepresent myself. I'll work on the evil bit though. giggle.
Thanks again.
Leigh Richards