Well here I am barely an hour after finding this site and sure that I'll commit some dreadful faux pas (if I haven't already).
'Scordatura' was written a few months ago and was the second story I ever completed - though I think there's enough there to expand it... though it's mostly about violins with a few frocks thrown in. It's been posted elsewhere before now, and fairly well received.
I've a few more complete(ish) pieces to post that also have appeared in other places - so if you've read 'Persephone' or 'Nightingale' before please accept my apologies.
For the last month or so I've been working on what's turned into a novel called 'Midnight Angels'... a friend's described it as 'a Boys' Own adventure for boys who secretly read 'Jackie' too... it's been posted in serial form on TvChix and I believe I'm about a third of the way through (should end up around 50,000 words).
After that it's back to reworking a story I began (but badly fluffed) about a transsexual artist that runs from Edwardian London in 1910 to the battlefields of France in 1918 that looks to be going to about 20,000 words.
I have a wretched work ethic :)
Faux Pas's required
You have to hurry up and screw up, then you'll be right with the rest of us!
Now, a few questions. What is "Jackie"? And what is TvChix? A link would be nice.
Welcome to BC!
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way."
College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Hi Ceri!
I don't know about committing no poo-fops or whatever they are, but hi and howdy, Aloha, Wilkomen
and all that! Sounds like you have some interesting story ideas (I did like your violin story, skilled exposition, but I'll review that beneath the story itself). I'm especially intrigued by your TS artist story---I love the art from that era, the EXPLOSION of totally new ideas---and history in general. So yeah, Hi. Hope you like it here!
~~~hugs, LAIKA
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Hello Ceri,
You've already committed the most dreadful fo pah by committing yourself to BC, which is a kind of insane asylum for the TG and their fellow travellers. If you're not mad enough already you soon will be. Welcome!
Nice to see another welsh name here
Believe it or not I have a brother whose name is Ceri and he isn't tg. It used to be a boy or girl's name but is now largely girls.
Anyway, croeso.
Funny you should say that
Ceri is my 'boy name' too (I'm from South Wales) I've held on to it as it's less confusing for my friends :)
Thanks for the welcome everyone.
I often forget it's a 'world wide' web and drop in British references that are unfathomable to anyone else... 'Jackie' was a magazine for teenage girls that focussed on fashions and romance.
A blast from the past! Was I glad that I had a sister who bought Jackie, and a (deserved) reputation for reading almost anything printed. I could read those magazines openly without anyone cottoning on to my motives.
Maybe you need to be a bit careful with the local references in commenting and blogging, but if you are setting your stories in a local context, then please keep the context local. I've learnt things about the grass-roots of US society by following up things that I've read in stories here; it can be a very dfferent picture to the one the media promote.
I read both of your stories before I came to this thread. I'd tagged "Persephone" as being located here (as in East of the Atlantic) before I had finished the first paragraph; though even now I cannot analyse quite how. As you will see, BC has a fair share of writers from these islands - and I'm sure that I'm not the UK's only read-only vistor.