I just spent an amazing afternoon meeting some of the authors on this site. Mostly I want to thank Holly Hart and Rachel Anne for working to put together a very nice picnic in Walnut Creek. That's in California for the geographically challenged. I was blessed to meet Mona Lisa, Heather Rose Brown, Erin, Rachel, Shalamar, whom I met when Holly moved and of course Holly Hart. We stuffed our faces with professionally grilled hamburgers, brats and beans, by Rachel Anne. It was nice to put a face on people I have admired for years. Thank you once again, Arecee
I had a good time, too. :)
We could have probably sat there in the dark for another hour or two, talking about everything -- like what to call a group of wiener dogs! (We decided on "a picnic". :)) It was great fun, and I hereby retroactively dub this meeting the first BC WestCon. Some eastern authors had a meeting in Atlanta last year and there's GabyCon in the UK.
Maybe next time, we can have a bigger group through an advance announcement and all. It was great meeting everybody!
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I think I was part of the east cost meetig in Atlanta, too, Erin
Catherine Linda Michel organized that one, when we had Catherine, Jacqui ( aka Grover), Ariel Montine, Gwen Khadijah Brown, Scotty and myself at Southern Comfort, ( or were you thinking of another one? ).
You and Arecee beat me to blogging about last night. I was trying to get every BCTS person I knew, that I knew lives in or would be in the San Francisco bay area together, to meet not just you, but each other. You were the only one I'd never met face to face before, but except for my two roommate, Shelly/shalimar and Rachel Anne, none of the others had met each other.
If I'm still on the west coast next year this time, maybe we can do it again, and put out an open invitation here for others to join us.
And I encourage everyone to meet others if and when they can. I realize there are many who will not be able to make themselves go to even such a meeting as our picnic. But there was not hard and fast rule that everyone had to actually be TG, and nobody dressed up too much. Just a fun time together, and yes, I wish it could have gone longer, but a couple of people needed to get home. Still it was well after dark, and during the work week.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
So, when Zoe Taylor was here visiting me and Rasufelle for a week last Spring, does this make it retroactively BC Midwest Con?
Hm. You know, I've met four other BC Authors in person (Heather Rose Brown, Arecee, Rasufelle, Zoe Taylor), but I've talked to several (between 20 and 30 on three continents) through phone or Skype.
You rang?
I'd just like to add that Edeyn and Melanie(Rasufelle) are indeed as awesome in person ;-) Sadly I can't say the same for myself. Maybe someday, but for now, I remain the awkward introvert :-P
Sounds like you guys had fun. I doubt I'll ever make it to the west coast, but if I do I'll try and look some of you up. I at least owe Erin a hug :-)
Awww, I wish I could have
Samirah M. Johnstone
Aww, man!
I missed out! :( I'm less than an hour away from Walnut Creek. If you do this again I'd definitely want to come! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
I've always thought "ClosetCon" would be a good name
if BCTS were to ever have an official convention. It would probably be hard to organize, though. Then again, I DO work at a hotel that rents convention rooms for groups up to350 in size...
Melanie E.
Never mind the geographical spread, actually finding a time when people are available can be a nightmare. I'm a regular on something called the "PM Blog", and we have occasional get-togethers over a weekend (dubbed a "FrogFest" - the definition's an in-joke), usually hosted at a member's house (although one runs a small hotel) - but as well as the venue changing each time, the date does as well, as we try and find a time when up to a dozen members are available and willing to travel to the venue. Tricky when we've members as far apart as London, Cornwall and Scotland. However, one beautiful advantage of having a regular date (e.g. the GabyCon) is that people can free up the weekend in advance, so barring anything unexpected, those wishing to attend can ensure they're free and available.
PM Blog - blog attached to BBC Radio 4's "PM" programme. A drive time news magazine show, but the blog took on a life of its own, helped by a weekly 'off-topic' thread. One of the members is a folk musician by night, so the evenings are the highlight, with wine on tap and plenty of silly songs...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Where and when.
Hi Arecee,
How where and when do you guys organise these 'moveable feasts'.
If I'm over there any time soon I'd love to attend one.