I was chatting with my older daughter (who also has a quirky sense of humor)... And, the following came up in the conversation:
Your ovaries took a wrong left turn back in the second trimester. They're on their way back, but they got lost in this odd little testosterone-filled sack...
Then, she went on and explained how it happened:
Left ovary: I TOLD you we should have stopped and asked for directions! But nooooooo, you were SO SURE this was the right way.
Right ovary: You seriously wanted me to ask the colon for directions? Girl, that one's full of shit.
Left ovary: *palmface* I wish that axon had lent us a GPS. They always seem to know where they're going.
Right ovary: I heard that!
Left ovary: Hon, that's a Vas Defferens. And that over there is a freakin' PROSTATE. What creepy area of town did you land us in now?
Note: axon = (part of a nerve cell. the part that sends info to the next neuron in the relay. they grow all the way down from the brain, so they have all kinds of interesting ways of finding the right path)
Your daughter rocks. That is all ^_^
(I have a very, very warped sense of humor. I just hide it well behind a veil of sweetness most of the time :-D)
That's what we like about you!
I mean, seriously, having a warped sense of humor and a twisted and lively imagination are some of the best traits fun-loving humanity has to offer! ^_^
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
That was all kinds of awesome.
Bailey Summers
Agreed! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Just what kind of comedy do you watch or listen to?
Too cool!
Wierd ways
Yep your kid sure has a quirky sense of humour. She seems to be a bright girl so if she ever thinks of becoming a doctor she should think of becomind an SRS specialist.
Ooooh! Ouch! Bev.
Growin' old disgracefully.
Funny you should...
My daughter's majoring in Cell Biology & Neuroscience with an extended minor in psychology...
And plans to go into Med School - with the ultimate goal of going into Psychiatry. No decision yet on where to specialize there, though...
And, yes, I'm VERY proud of her. :-)
Geez, this takes me back
I can almost hear my parents squabbling over what the right route is/was. No, when I was a kid, we didn't have a GPS as either they hadn't been invented yet or, at least were unknown to us / too expensive for us / "Not for us, that's what maps are for."
The world before GPS's
I was in College in '70, after Nam, and remember the instructor talking about it taking a different amount of time for radio waves to get to us from different locations. We talked about how this would be a neat way to navigate if we could measure time accurately. He had just proudly carried the first integrated circuit I ever saw into the class room. It was on an LSI frame and had 4 transistors. He then proceeded to tell us how, one day, we would have whole FM radios on a single chip.
This summer, we traveled all the way from Portland, Oregon to Painesville, Ohio, nearly 2500 miles using the GPS and it was amazing. It makes me wonder what will happen the day a really massive solar flare takes all that technology out. It makes me resolved to carry backup state maps, like we used to in the before time. :)