The Suckosaurus Returns

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Well, the good news is that in the past week I have regained my will to write!

The bad news?

All I've managed to turn out is a potential Halloween contest story that isn't good enough to see the light of day (though I might post it anyway, who knows?) and three chapters of Princess For Hire.

The last three of Book One.

Now, I know I said I was going to try and stretch this next post out over like eight chapters. Simply put, my writer's block wasn't the only reason that didn't happen (though it is why it took me over a month and a half longer than I expected it to to write.) The story itself, and the characters, pushed for a much shorter finish in my opinion, and while in the future at some point I might go back and rewrite parts of the chapters, especially if I have an editor look it over, for now, this is where it ends.

The story will continue! Unfortunately, it might be a while. I want to have at least half of the next book finished before I start posting it, and with all the other writing commitments I have for the next two months, not to mention going to see my parents, and simply wanting to take some time to work on other stories, it could be as late as next June before I start posting it again.

In the interim, I hope to get out another chapter or two of Echoes, possibly unpub the current chapters of Boys of Summer until the new ones are finished, and provide you with a few other stories from different genres that I haven't really tackled publicly as of yet.

SO, there's the scoop.

Melanie E.

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