I have been reading storys on this site and othere for a while now I love a lot of them and have really gotten into some only to find they ended well not ended just stopped if anyone can help me find the endings to this list of storys it would help me. First one is called "Making Lemonade" by L. Rochelle I have read all 16 chapters there is a note that more would be coming but now to date. Two is Andrew Soccer Queen by Andrew it's a cute story about a boy from Scotland then ends up in a dress in the US 21 chapters so far but again stopped. Last is a story by Katie Dale, it's kind of black but got into it and found it nice, Game Boy 18 Chapters, there are more you see like Angel, Giggle sweet thing, she leave a lot undone too. If you can help thanks if not that is ok too i have been on evey site I can find to see about this even emailed them still nothing.
Thanks for the help
Melissa Ann Kelly
Unfinished stories...
Hi Melissa!
I really appreciate your frustration at not finding the continuing chapters.... I am one of 'Those' authoressesssessess...
I am STILL trying to complete Chapter 20 in my 'season of Change' saga. There are times my muse is with me and there are times she must be on vacation somewhere nice...
It WIll get done eventually, but it is taking longer than even I want!! so it can be frustrating from the author side too.
Please be patient!! I'm certain the other writers will get back to their stories!!
Happy reading!!
Lisa Elizabeth
I am new here.................
The Mills of God .....
I would like to assure my readers that I am still working on the Deception of Choice. It is just taking longer than I thought to resolve it.
And I have been infernally busy with life in general. So much in demand! Life can be too much with us. But I am acutely aware that my readers, both of them, may feel somewhat aggrieved by the delay and for that I cannot apologise enough.
Be of stout heart though. Work is still in progress and, although the rate may make the Mills of God resemble a turbine in comparison, it will grind on. Although, hopefully, not exceeding small.
Deceptive linking
This response, as so often, propmted me to go for a re-read of the 'story so far'. I got confuzzled.
Somehow, in the inter-part links at the end of ech part, Part 13 has been intercalated bteween Part 1 and Part 2. Thus the links at the end of Part 1 take you back to the index or forward to Part 13; the links at the end of Part 13 go back to Part 1 and forwards to Part 2. At the end of Part 12 the forward link is to Part 14.
Links fixed
I repaired them.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Lets see off the top of my head......L Rochelle told us a couple of years ago that personal problems and her health had precluded any work on Lemonade although she still had the desire to work on it and finish it. She had some slight health improvments that gave her hope she would be able to, but nothing since.
Andrew let us know on the tg fiction list that he just lost the thread on Soccer and could not bring himself to do any more work on such a detailed moment by moment type story.
Wendy J has pulled her story Midnight Downloads as a political protest and while she sent me all the finished chapters that she had totally edited and several that she was ready to release but may be edited a bit prior to release, and several chapters she was working on, her health has failed and we probably won't see much more if any there.
Angel is still around , but has had problems of her own, and while she promised to finish a lot of her stuff and then stop releasing things until they were done, unexpected complications may have caused her to slow down again.
I have no word on the katie story.
Wanda was out of circulation for a few years but recently released an update to her saga, a teaser fot the start of Book 2, and we may still see some of that soone we hope.
Tyrone Slothrop is working on Hide in Plain Sand.
Maddie Valasek iss working on Changing of the Guard.
Karen Lea is working on Educating Danielle, but was having problems getting the story line to go where she wanted.
Ricky finally gave us Chapter 4 of Kate and is working on more.
Angharad was been working on other stories and doing SNAFU as she can.
Its really hard to remeber all the ones I am following. Oops. Brandy D responded to an email from me a couple of weeks ago and said she has one close to being finished. Of course, she has not reposted Weapons of Mass Distraction since the site she was using went down in a hackers attack, whic many of us would love to see surface again.
There are more, but I am getting old and memory fails me a lot. Sorry if I left anyone out.
Guest eader of 2007 - Further update on Maddie Valasek
Guest Reader;
Maddie has disappeared. I was editing for her, but she stopped responding around 2007.
She was having real life issues, and seemed torn between continuing to transition, and stay with her wife under her original male persona.
Her blog covering these issues has also disappeared.
So I suspect her family came first, and she has totally withdrawn from the community.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Hello all..
Hi all:
I have to say that I had a story on the old Big Closet, and I would've love to have it moved over here!! Unfortunatly, I got busy but I do have chapters 10 and 11 ready. My Story was called 'Tarja'.
GR (TG Sine)
I reposted chapter 1 to 9 as a single post. Your turn. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Erin, Thanks
Thanks!! I hope to post Chapter 10 later today. (Hope I can get my password to work)
TG Sine
Salty Anniversary
I'm another of 'those authors', I guess. Last fall I got distracted by real life and have had a hard time getting back into space where the story lives. But it WILL be written (unless my fingers fall off or something.).
Yesterday was the anniversary of the day I posted the first part of it, talk about rubbing salt in open wounds, you just had to post this then....sigh I feel really guilty because I think I'm letting people down (I hope so, I hope so - and that is a horrible thing for me to wish, isn't it? Talk about convoluted feelings.) But I feel even worse about leaving my characters in limbo all this time (responsibility to figments of my imagination?).
Trouble is that when I started I had no idea how hard this was. I do think that the real writers have a responsibility for making me think this thing was easy. The good and prolific ones make it seem so. (:-))
The next part is almost done. However, I'm going to wait until I'm will in to the next part before I post, because I don't ever want this kind of hiatus to happen again. It will be written, even if only for Ally and me.
Is this a blatant plug? Unabashed trolling for comments? shrug Probably, my ego really isn't that big and could kind of use a little boast on this anniversary. (I hope this didn't sound melodramatic; we've had enough of that lately. If it did, I'm sorry.)
Jan, you should not beat yourself up; there are plenty here to do that for you. (NB For the avoidance of doubt that is a pathetic attempt at a joke.) It may be a year since you posted the first three 'scenes', but since then you've given us four more wonderful episodes - ten special 'scenes' involving a special person.
'Scenes' is amongst those stories that get a place on my hard-drive; and I have to apologise to all the authors represented on that HD for lowering their hit-rates, because I usually re-read from my local copy.
By finding a different authorial voice (almost "fourth person" in some ways), and by your gentle, slow and sometimes elliptical exposition, you have drawn me into Allie's caring, loving family and into Allie's life.
I will be really happy when you get there with more scenes; but I hope that you will not compromise your efforts by trying to satisfy what might appear to you as a demand for instant and contunued gratification.
The best is always worth the wait.
Salty Anniversary
Hi Jan,
there are some Authors that I look for every day, you are one of those.
When the next "Scenes" is posted It will be the story that needs time made for it.
That said, please make youself happy before you feel any guilt about when or if you post.
Love Christine.
Thank you, Xi and Christine. I needed that.
Liberty is more than the freedom to be just like you.
from Katie Dale
I'm glad to hear that you liked my story and I'm sorry that I didn't continue it. It was hard to keep it going, I was going through hard times in my family and I think I just got burnt out and couldn't continue it anymore.
I have a new story that I'm posting on fictionm@nia if you're interested. It's called 'The Creature'.
I'm also somewhat worried because it seems that all my old stories, including Gameboy, have completely vanished from their website. It's been so long since I wrote them, I don't think I saved backups anywhere...
you can write to my at (my username on this site)@gmail.com
Does anyone have an update on the following stories.
First one is called "Making Lemonade" by L. Rochelle I have read all 16 chapters there is a note that more would be coming but nothing to date.
Two is Soccer Queen by Andrew it's a cute story about a boy from UK who ends up in a dress in the US 21 chapters so far but again stopped.
The last information is from 2007.
It seems that several of the best writers have had problems with Real Life. I hope that they will be able to continue their work in the near future.
Unfinished Stories
I was looking for the rest of 'Making Lemonade' and came across this blog. Can anyone update the status of these stories?
Making Lemonade/L Rochelle
When I met Lisa several years back, I don't think she was writing anymore. She was busy looking for a job, and traveling around looking for it. That's the best I can give you for Making Lemonade/ L Rochelle
The Paragon Verse comes to mind
Especially on TGS where more authors have contributed, there are stories that have started and never finished. The gal behind the story that started it all, Minikisa, stopped posting chapters to the third part of her trilogy on both BC and TGS around the time that I stepped away from working on "Just a Paragon Girl" for a wee bit. I finished my own trilogy on TGS, but I've no idea where Minikisa is.
It's always frustrating when authors take off before the story can be completed. Sometimes it's life getting in the way, and then the muse is gone by the time we're available to write again. So I understand how it can happen, but it's still disappointing to find something you like only to discover it'll never be finished.