With Sorrow

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I had asked a number of you to pray for for brother Jeff. It is with Deeppest sorrow I share with you that at sometime around 2:30 this morning PST my brothher died.

While rough around the edges Jeff absolutely addoredd me growing up. I was his big brother. Please keep the family in your prayers. This has been a horrid shock to the whole family. He was 44 years old.




'I am so deeply sorrowful for you at your sad loss.You really are having a dreadful time at the moment and we
can only hope that our prayers will bring some joy into your life in the future.Much love,ALISON


My Deepest Sympathy

jengrl's picture

My deepest sympathy is with you during this time of great sadness for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers Beth.




We don't know why.

Most of the time, we do not know why those dear to us pass. I am terribly sorry for your pain. I know this is just one more thing added to your plate at a time when it feels too full, perhaps. I am sorry.

Much peace


your loss

words cannot do justice to your pain, just know that you are not alone, and I will be thinking of you. If there anything I can do, feel free to call on me.


I'm so sorry

I can't imagine what you're going through.

At least he's no longer in any pain.

Terribly Sorry

You've had more than your ration of grief lately. My deepest sympathies for your loss(es).




Deepest Sympathies

Dear Beth
Nothing I can say will ease your pain or your loss, 44 is way too young to leave this world.
Please know you and your family are in my prayers and you have my Deepest Sympathy.
I lost the light of my life my soul-mate of 32 yrs in Feb of 2009. So even though we all feel
and handle the pain and loss differently I can understand some of your pain a little bit.
Just try your best to remember the good times you had together and the joy he obviously brought you all.
That is what has seemed to help me most is remembering the good times and joys we shared.

Dearest Beth...

I am terribly pained and sorrowed to read of your great loss. I can't imagine how you must feel but it is my hope that your healing be a rapid one.

May You Know Peace...


So sorry to hear about your loss

KristineRead's picture

Beth, you will be in the Roland families thoughts today, our deepest sympathies for your loss.

Hugs to you and your family.
