Hey there,
I've had some real rough things going on in my life. Starting last October.
Same day I was injured at work, wife was informed job of 29 years going away to Minn.
Stage One breast cancer for wife.
She had the surgery.
Wife had car accident.
Radiation treatments.
Mother diagnosed Stage Four cancer in June.
Mother went in to hospital in July. Died july 20 in a crappy hospise. Thankfully she went peacefully.
August 10 I lost my job. By the way, I was born on Friday August 13. Happy Frigging Birthday to me.
I started a complete rewrite of that so called hack job of a story I submited. Major rewrite.
So with all the sunshine in my life I started a real dark piece. That was before starting on medications for obvious reasons.
So if anyone would like to see an advance copy, and take a stab at giving some edit help or suggestions here is an email address to contact me. Yes I'm a Matt Kenseth fan.
Fellow Cheesehead. I'll check it daily.
Hey Billie...
[email protected] ...sounds like you've been through the mill. When I saw the birthday, had to comment.
You Are So Not Alone!
My birthday is April 13th, the same as my dad. Also a Friday. It's tended to be a very good day for me despite the triskadecaphobists concerns. The last year has been a bit of Hell though. I've been out of work that long. Mom's pardner of 17 yrs. passed from lung cancer this spring, and she moved in with me. She's a brittle diabetic and tending to her needs has turned into a 24/7 job.
If you need help, feel free to use the e-mail address above. I'll do what I can.
P.S. Sorry, I like Jeff Gordon. Have since he was 16 on the dirt tracks of Indianna. Hey, it's right next door! LOL
[email protected]
Hey there Jonelle, My latest
Hey there Jonelle,
My latest and greatest version actually makes some sense. with a picture! Currently working
on chapter 3.