I had a request for this just as I was about to start writng it! Spooky.....
is a quick reference to the main events in the real world and the setting of my story. Here are a few key words
LCU a type of landing craft
Bootnecks and pussers: Royal Marine Commandos and Royal Navy sailors,who are generally referred to as "matelots" by soldiers, who call themselves "squaddies" but are called "pongos" by bootnecks. Squaddies have regiments, but bootnecks have The Corps. One regiment is composed of Rock Apes, but that is the Royal Air Force regiment of airfield protection psychopaths.
By the way, the R.A.F. call themselves that, but are called the raff by squaddies. The Fleet Air Arm refer to the raff as "crabs" because the colour of their unifom is supposed to be the same as that of an ointment for pubic lice infestation.
"Ammo" (ammuniton) boots were the standard Army kit until shown to be less than ideal in wet conditons.
"Bergen" is an unfeasibly large rucksack, normally carried when tabbing and doffed for combat. Tabbing (tactical advance to battle ) is what paras refer to as "yomping"
"Hexi stove" folding solid-fuel pressed-metal stove.
"Ratpack" ration pack
"Compo" collection of tins allegedly meant to feed one man for eight days or eight for one. Everything is tnned, including the toilet paper--"bogroll"
"Bivvies" bivouacs. Temporary shelters, often made from ponchos, or shelter quarters: waterproofs that can be worn as a rain cape or fastened together to make a tent.
"Mao suit" quilted winter warmer.
"basha" sleeping place, Can mean a small shelter or bivvie, but may be used for a bed.
NCO: the army and the Corps are composed of Officers (commissioned; Ruperts and Rodneys) and Other Ranks. ORs fall into three categories, one having a variety of names (marine, sapper, trooper, gunner et al) depending on unit, and the others being Warrant Offcers (WOI, WOII) who stand between the Ruperts and the Non Commissioned Offcers, being Lance Corporals, Corporals, Sergeants and Staff Sergeants. These also have odd names in some units.
A Woopert is an offcer who has come in as an officer; a Wodney is one who has wisen fwom the Wanks.
SLR: self-loading rifle, beautiful, powerful but heavy piece of Belgian weaponry firng the "NATO" 7.62mm round.
Jimpy: General Purpose Machine Gun.
A4 Skyhawk McDonnell Douglas single seat attack aircraft
Dagger: Israeli-developed version of French Mirage delta-winged fighter.
Harrier: Hawker-Siddeley. Vertical Take Off and Landing jet fighter and attack aircraft. Navalised verson operated by the Fleet Air Arm, GR3 reconnaissance and ground-attack aircraft used by RAF.
CAP: Combat Air Patrol, protective fighter screen flown over ships.
Rapier: solid-nosed anti-aircraft missile.
I knew some of this
from my brother, who was in the RAF. Some is self expanatory, some is common sense, and some is service slang.
But thanks anyway.