Owing to simple logistics, I can't promise to be able to have time to write Bike while helping with the Gabycon, so I'm warning/apologising in advance.
I am half way through a new Gaby short story, for the event which I expect will be posted here eventually. As well as this, scribbling Bike and running about, working full time, having my house knocked about and being a paw-maiden to two cats - I have plenty of time.

Sounds like fun!
Hope you're not too bushed to get out on friday night.
Hope it's dry Saturday though rain doesn't much affect us Biking Celts. Just come back from an absolute downpour last night. Proper Welsh job! 'Bout' 30 mm in a few hours, (According to Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike centre.)
Gonzales & Miranda say hi, they're looking forward to Dorset cos they've never been there before.
May the rain be soft and the hills be gentle.
Love and Hugs to you and cats.
Im just amazed...
I'm just amazed you find the time (& still find it worthwhile) to keep writing Bike. I thank you muchly for this as well.
Have a great time at Gabycon. I look forward to your next story there. As to the feline management in the house. They really should have more consideration for the staff. :-)
I won't mind...
...if an update isn't posted.
Then again, if one is, I'll have to rely on PS to update the spreadsheet.
I'll be down in Dorset as well1, meeting our esteemed author (the human one, not the feline one) "in the flesh" (so to speak), probably proving my verbal communication skills are even worse than my written communication skills.
1) Assuming my MapNav skills get me there in one piece! I may be a geek, but I still prefer to use the combination of eyeballs + memory to navigate me than a disembodied electronic voice.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
No probs
Of course, I'll be only too happy to pick up the slack should the need arise.
Best wishes to all for a successful 'con.'
I hope you're taking your camera Ben. If so, please let us know where we can view the evidence.
Photographic Surprises
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Of course!
Depending on people's attitudes towards being photographed, I might separate out the 'people' photos from the 'landscape' photos and put them in a private Picasa album, sending participants and selected others the link (where the URL is suffixed by a 19-21 character hashkey comprised of numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and the occasional underscore = over 1,300 combinations, so extremely unlikely to be guessed!). That way, those with a genuine interest in seeing what everyone looks like can, but random strangers can't.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!