Is there any problem with animated gif files?
I haven't a great deal of experience with them, but I've recently used GIMP to produce an animation which works fine on my own PC, but when I load it into the image file and then try to install it into a story, it doesn't animate.
Any suggestions?
Should work
I did an animated GIF title for Girlery, that worked.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Picture Simulation
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
The Problem that you may be encountering
is that you may not resize animated gifs on BCTS. They lose their gif movement when you do. they have to be the exact size you created them as in order to work.
Resizing was my problem (and it was only 3 pixels too large!).
I modified the canvas size in GIMP, uploaded it to BC and it now works perfectly.
Many thanks to all
Animated GIFs
The only real problem with animated GIFs or other picture types is that the movement is a distraction from the meat of the matter - which is to say the STORY.
I can put up with animated icons on LiveJournal and such places but my usual preference is to scroll anything animated off the page as soon as I can. It's just too distracting.
Charlotte, my dear, I don't know what you plan to do with your GIFs but please consider that excessive use may have downsides as well as apparent advantages.
Some browsers and web filters
allow animations to be stopped (so that only the first frame is displayed) for exactly this reason. Proxomitron, the web filter I use, allows this feature to be applied on a per-site basis. Sadly, though, more and more commercial sites are going SSL only, to prevent visitors from using web filters to block or modify their content. :(