A Roman Catholic adoption charity's appeal to be allowed to discriminate against gay people wanting it to place children with them has been rejected. Catholic Care wanted exemption from new anti-discrimination laws so it could limit services provided to homosexual couples on religious grounds.
The Charity Commission said gay people were suitable parents and religious views did not justify discrimination. The Leeds-based charity said it was "very disappointed".
Source: BBC News
Possibly controversial here
...but I have always wondered why religion is given special protection. Anyone who espouses offensive sexist, racist, homophobic, etc, views on political grounds is not only liable to criticism, but we are actively encouraged to condemn them. As soon as religion gets involved we have to make "allowances"
Three cheers for the Commission!
Not controversial to me.
Spot on. Couldn't agree more. People can believe what they like in private but I object as soon as they try impose it on me or want democratically established laws adjusted to suit them.
Hate Crime
Thanks for sharing this Ben,
Thank goodness SOMEONE is working against Hate Crimes.
What is the point of adption? Is it to provide a loving home for needy children? - OR - Is it to provide indoctrination of unformed minds into close minded, severely controled, religeous CULTS?
With LOVE as the standard how can so called "Christians" deny ANYONE the right to live as they feel? With LOVE as the standard how can so called "Christians" deny ANYONE the RIGHT to help others? Doesn't LOVE have any meaning to these "Christians"?
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
See I'm really
going to agree with Hope here and say it's about time they don't get their own way. Some of the nicest kindest, sweetest most charitable people I've ever known are LGBT people while there are many, not all but many of these so called love thy neighbor professing liars out there that are the cruelest most worthless excuse for human beings that ever existed.
What I'm really waiting for is the churches to be held accountable for what has been and is being done. I know of both specific towns and churches near me where if the line isn't towed then there WILL be consequences. I'm waiting for someone to get fed up enough that they will fight through the relegious persecution defense that is currently used.
Bailey Summers