Should I read the Comics Retcon Stories?

I ask this in all seriousness: should I read the Comics Retcon Universe stories?

So far, I've been rather... reluctant sounds like the right word, but isn't exactly. See, I've read comics off and on over the years, but without a comic store within, oh, two hour's drive of my hometown, I was always limited to either the occasional book I could pick up at the local mom n' pop grocery store or hand me down's from friends and family. As a result, my knowledge of the various heroes and such jumps around from mid-70's to mid-'80's to early '90's, with no real significant concentration in any one hero or even long coherent storylines. For me, reading comics was always more about enjoying the art, because I COULDN'T follow the storylines.

That being said, I know just enough about most of the major heroes' backstories to be able to usually follow along with a conversation about most of the mainstream, and have some minor experience in a number of the other, more B-list heroes. Would this be more of a hindrance, or a help, in trying to follow along with the stories in the Comics Retcon story universe?

With the number of times the various companies have restarted their stories or simply split them off into alternate universes, I doubt there's much risk of me falling into the trap of "you can't do this because it's against blah blah blah" even if I knew what I was talking about, but I also don't want to read something that plays hell with any idea of continuity from the original series. In addition, I tend to be picky about what kind of superhero stories I enjoy, applying not only the same standards that exist in my other preferences, but also a few Hero-centric ones (like the need for joining organizations and such to be by choice -- sorry, but I could never get into The Center partially for that reason, though since I stopped reading early in the first story it might be better by now.)

So, in the readers here's excellent opinions, are the stories, or at least most of them, worth reading? If so, why? If not, why? And also, will we ever get more off the wall heroes (I'd like to read a "Regulators" or "Youngbloods" fanfic finding a fun/interesting reason for TG characters on one of THOSE teams, that would be fun.)

Melanie E.