Retcon Mystique

As Lynceus and Maid Joy have posted their retcon characters sheets, I figured I'd post mine here as well.

Codename: My5t|qu3 (Mystique)
Sex: Female
Age: 34 (Technically ageless)
Height: 5' 9
Weight: 180
Stats: ??? (She wears an 'A' bra)
Core Power: Psychometric Shape-shifting

Strength: Class 3
Agility: Class 5 (Potential, Low Class 3 with her current familiarity with her body)
Endurance: Low Class 5
Intelligence: ~160 IQ
Willpower: Low Class 3

Computer Hacker: 5
Social Engineer & Neuro-Linguistic-Hacking: 4
Criminal Lore - Fraud & Darknets: 4
Criminal Finance: 3
Unarmed Combat (Krav Manga): 1
Firearms: 1

Nomadic Sociopath

Primary Alias
Name: Rhian Stacey Medina
Sex: Female
Age: 27 (Cannot Age)
Height: 5' 11
Weight: 170
Build: Lean & athletic

Strength: High Class 2
Agility: High Class 2

FBI Special Agent (Meta-human task force)
+1 Unarmed Combat (Physical skill imprint)

Appears in:
The Curious Case of the Missing Witness

FBI ID & Gun
Offshore accounts
Servers in various countries

Mystique's primary ability is that of Psychometric shape-shifting, which allows her to mimic other people down to involuntary responses, genetics, facial expressions, accents, fingerprints and retinal scans. This shape-shifting is triggered by coming into physical contact with some sort of 'trace' from the person to be mimicked, with the degree of success depending on how often the person has used it and how much 'contamination' there is. Note that blood, bone or direct contact with skin guarantees a perfect match. When wearing somebody else’s skin (as it were) she inherits the physical characteristics of that person up to the class indicated on her base form (eg. mimicking a strength 5 would only make her a class 3), with the exception of the endurance stat which is the result of her always on regeneration. She has a maximum height of 7' 5 and weight of 250 pounds, so she can't just mimic giganta at full size. She also does not mimic powers, only physical characteristics (She can't mimic powers granted by new organs or severly repurposed organs either, as this would involve completely shifting her internal organs which she can't do)

There are two primary flaws to her shape-shifting representation. Due to her inability to form new organs, she's always female where it counts. Secondly, only the hair on her head is capable of altering length/colour at will (it's slightly thicker and lusher than normal as a result) so that every time she shifts, her body discards any previous body hair and starts growing new ones to match it. This tends to make most of her representations completely hairless except for the head.

Another, less important, flaw is that she will test positive for metagene if the test is used on the entire cell, and closer inspection will reveal strange organelles and large numbers of plasmids where her core and alternate DNA is stored. Her current alternate form is Rhian Medina, and she is able to shift into her at will. She has no idea if she's able to pick up other 'permanent' shifts or even how the first one came about but suspects that it may be linked to the virus that originally activated/granted her powers.

Please note that she gains no knowledge from the shift: she won't know passwords, relationships or anything like that, though she will find herself reacting to their presence the same way the real person would.

The other powers her shape-shifting abilities grant her are divided into two groups: always on abilities and those only available in her natural, blue-skinned form.

Always On:
Regeneration: Her bodies cells are capable of rapidly re-purposing and her bone structure is completely segmented and variable. Along with her bodies extremely fast transport system, she can heal most injuries in a few days and will not age. Note that this isn't Wolverine style healing factor: wounds have the same debilitating effect for the purposes of most combat but she recovers in hours instead of days.

Chemical & Disease Immunity: Her bodies cells, if they recognise that they're under attack, undergo rapid, brute force reconfiguration until they find something that makes her immune to it. In short drugs, viruses diseases etc. will have limited to no effect after a short period of time and repeated applications will result in less and less of an effect.

Enhanced Endurance: As you can imagine, a body that can almost instantly rearrange its skeletal structure has no problem distributing oxygen, fats and other useful chemicals across itself. Mystique very rarely suffers from exhaustion or fatigue, but when she does it'll take hours and a couple of good meals for it to go away as she's eliminated most of her bodies supplies.

Primary Form Only:
All of these modifications to her base form require some sort of concentration/instinctive stimuli to maintain. Once that drops, she reverts back to normal.

Liquid Structure:
Mystique's entire body can be deformed at will, with the exception of her internal organs, which have to maintain their minimum volume. Commonly used to shift out of restraints or absorb blows (absorption only works when she's relaxed, when tense she generates bone armour instead). As a side effect, she is double jointed with a vengeance.

Bone Armour (Not under conscious control):
Mystique can instinctively shift parts of her bone structure to the surface of her skin, producing a scaled, exoskeletal look when afraid or threatened. This can compromise her internal skeleton if extended too far.

Bone Weapons (As yet undiscovered):
Similar to bone armour, but used as knuckledusters or a line of serrated bone plates along an arm or finger that can be used as a shallow knifes edge. She has not discovered this facet of her ability yet.


Mystique is callous, sarcastic, uncaring and more than happy to take your money if you're not paying enough attention. Despite this, if a deal is hammered out with her, she will honour it and will also have some method of incentive to make sure that you come through on her end and don't double cross her. She feels no remorse or guilt, and blames society for dumping her in as a criminal in the firstplace. Post TCCoaMW, she's beginning to make friends and acquaintances again after a long self imposed exile from regular human contact and occasionally helps people out, justifying it by believing that it makes them more likely to help her out later.

As Rhian, she's extremely aggressive when it comes to accusing someone of guilt/complicity, is a bit of a firebrand and will almost always come down on the side of the meta-human unless they're killing people or do something to piss her off. As a rule, she will never, ever, reveal herself to be Mystique to anyone and generally gives lip service to the law. Almost unnervingly, she also shows a degree of compassion towards people in this form and it unnerves her when some of these 'friendships' slip over into her Mystique identity.

Super Abilities Ref:

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