I have just read the article below about the rise of ‘Mamils’ that’s Middle Aged Men In Lycra,
Now I know what word to use, when all those cyclists on Southsea seafront, zoom past me on my morning exercise
Now, if I can find a word that I could use when a certain young blonde girl goes by, making my sedate pace look like standing still, I will by happy
Love to all
Anne G.
My Sapphic friends use the term "Fixie Chick", but that presumes she is riding a fixed wheel. Most MAMILS simply use the word "phwooar!"
I was shown the article at work today, and I did ask the question, how did it equate with MAMILWHARABs?
I suppose my wife and I ...
... are OAPILs (Old Age Pensioners in Lycra) when we ride the tandem or our singles. I know a lot of MAMILs and OAPILs and you'd be surprised how quick some of them are. I remember buying my first pair of skin shorts for racing and it was like cycling naked ... and I was already middle-aged LOL As a friend of mine commented at the time "Lycra has totally transformed women's racing." and it did.