With the Lilim story happening and other recent theological discussions, I started wondering about the whole Genesis thing.
Was Adam thrice married or only twice? I read in one place where he was first created with Lilith (his first wife) from the earth, but she rejected him as she was not allowed to be his equal, whereupon she fled to the Red sea to live with her "children" (the lilim). Then God tried again, but did it from the inside out which made Adam not want to be near her. Then God created Eve while Adam slept, supposedly from his rib. My question is this: Does this myth have any basis in any of the different historical "scriptures" or was it nothing more than pure fabrication on modern people's part? If there is a written basis for it, why was it excluded from the bible? Was it to further the mosogynistic patriarchal power at the time of the writings, or was it nothing more than just what people wanted to hear at the time. Perhaps someone of a theological bent can help here. Many thanks!
If this is considered too inflammatory, please delete and point me to someplace more relevant to discuss this. Thank you.
[email protected] ...There were many books deemed unworthy of being 'canonized'. For many various reasons. Some were thought to be heretical, others just didn't fit into the accepted dogma of the time.
Many of those still exist, and they can be found if one is of a mind to do so.
Good Hunting,
[email protected]
The conventional Christian Bibles
Are all Genisis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy ...
I'm takin this from an academic point of view, not a religious one. The story of Creation is located in various places within the Qur’an, such as in Sura’ Al-Baqarah, Sura’ As-Sajdah, Sura’ Yassin and so on. It is a little different from the Christian (Jewish actually) version, but I think it is just the same story told from different points of view.
There used to be a guy, Frank Paretti, that wrote christian fiction. His books were top knotch.
Much peace
Not inflamitory at all.
I was a very conservative Christian before I became Muslim. When I was Christian, I never heard about God creating someone before Adam or Eve. All that is in the Book of Genisis in the first few chapters. You should get yourself a Bible (King James Version) and read it. Don't worry, it will not rot your brain. :) They are cheap. The Muslims believe alsmost the same thing about creation.
Much peace