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They are now calling her a transsexual supermodel, this offering from the Observer is quite reasonable.
Pessimism on her part in the article
about relationships is kinda understandable. Being trans is a serious barrier to having a long term relationship. Look, it is hard enough to find a life partner for 'normal' folks but being trans tosses another 1000 foot wall beyond the normal 100 foot one most folks need to face. Certainly I am finding that, just like her, I find that solitude is my best friend.
It goes to show that merely knowing that one is passable does not mean that it gets any easier. In a way it is bad as it actually gives you a glimmer of hope to forever chase after. Sometimes I think it would be easier just to be plain ol' ugly and never have to ever worry about it.
Just because it's hard...
Just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's not possible!!! It IS possible!
She Nailed The "Question".
It seems like she has addressed all the issues, especially in the last paragraph.
People have thought that I was unkind, and a bitch for being unsupportive to wanna be transfolk. Some are really lucky, but for the rest of us ... we just try to be strong. She's fortunate in that she has a support network outside her family. We live the way we have to.