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Theo could hear the grunts of David, Beth and her Mom as the officers loaded them into the carrier. The door slammed shut and the transport fired up and followed it's trail to wherever it was going.
“Thank you for cooperating” A gruff voice said.
Theo stood frozen as she watched Beth stretch out in two opposite directions. Both ends turned and twisted around the room even through itself and other 'thread snakes' that were growing as well. The front door expanded into a shape that looked like a slice from a wheel of cheese.
Through the fog of thread Beth cried out “What are we going to do?! They're going to take Theo again!”
A gray 'snake' passed through the front door and split into four 'snakes' that stopped in front of the kitchen. Theo stood on her toes and looked over the top of the fog and saw the heads of the snakes were Swat officers. They slithered into the kitchen and circled around Theo. From the fog a pair of hands grabbed Theo's upper arms, She screamed out and reeled back into the kitchen table.
“Theo! What’s wrong?! Look at me!” Beth cried.
Theo aimed her head at the direction of Beth's voice “I can't see you, there's a cloud or something around me.” Theo moaned.
“What?!” David and Beth said almost in unison.
Theo realized She never heard the front door being opened. “I think some Swat guys are going to come in here...I saw them come in...”
“They're coming up to the door!” David yelled from the living room.
“Go out the back door, try to run!” Debra urged.
Theo looked behind her to the door and saw it was a wedge too with a gray snake coming out of it as well. She felt around and grabbed Beth's hand and squeezed it “They're behind the house too.”
“God dammit!” Beth screamed.
“Lie down, don't give them a reason to use force on you.” Theo told them.
“Can't you just do that thing you did to escape from quarantine?!” Beth pleaded.
“Beth... I can't even see my hand in front of my face...” Theo said sadly. “Please just get down... I don't want you guys to get hurt...”
Theo got to her knees and laid down on her stomach. She heard Beth sob as she did the same. Theo turned her head and looked into the fog that was growing more and more gray. Less than 30 seconds later she heard the sound of wood cracking and feet shuffling.
“Police! On the ground now!”
“Hey! Ouch! Not so tight!” David yelled.
“The oven! turn the oven off please.” Theo called out.
She could hear the officers chuckling around her. A pair of gloved hands took her own and pulled them together. After a quick zip sound her hands were bound and she was pulled up to her feet.
“Bastards.” Beth yelled.
“Beth... don't make it worse...” Theo said.
Another pair of hands grabbed her just under her arm pits and both hands dragged her towards the door. She shuffled down the stairs and into the lawn. Theo emerged from the gray fog and could see finally. All the trees and houses around where stretched out as well but not as much as the people snakes that surrounded her. She noticed the building and trees stretched in a east and west direction unlike the twisted paths the snakes took. She glanced up and saw a bright white streak in the sky that she guessed was the moon. The two hands brought her into to a larger square shaped snake that was just racing around the corner of street. She was blind again as the hands picked her up and put her in what she guessed was a police carrier. Theo could hear the grunts of David, Beth and her Mom as the officers loaded them into the carrier. The door slammed shut and the transport fired up and followed it's trail to wherever it was going.
“Thank you for cooperating” A gruff voice said.
“Who are you?” Beth sneered.
“Director Farris, I was tasked to find “Theo” here” he responded.
Theo was pointing her ears around listening to the exchange. “What wrong with her?” Farris asked.
“I can't see.” Theo said.
“Sorry , flash-bangs can do that.” Farris apologized.
“No, that's not it.” Theo said “I... I think I'm seeing the future.”
“Are you serious?” Farris said disbelieving.
“I saw the SWAT come into the house a minute before they did.”
“Well, thank you again for cooperating.” Farris said.
“Ha... I would of run if I could see through all this 'future' mess.”
“What are you going to do with my child?” Debra demanded.
Farris cleared his throat, even without seeing, Theo could tell he was put off by the question. “Well Ma'am, as of right now she isn't a US citizen so she can't wander around freely like she has been, so we are taking her back to our quarantine facility for her own safety.”
Beth laughed derisively while Debra followed up with her questioning “How long?”
“Couldn't say ma'am, it's not up to me.”
“At least give us a ballpark” David said.
“Heh... nothing like this has every happened before, so I have no idea what the higher ups are going to do.”
“What about my Mom and friends? What's going to happen to them?” Theo asked.
“Some interrogation... and maybe some charges will be brought against them for harboring an illegal alien.” Farris responded.
“No!... I have a deal...” Theo pleaded.
“I'm listening.”
“You probably couldn't hold me, I'd break out again.”
“I'll promise I won't escape if you don't bring those charges against them and... let them visit me...” Theo said.
Farris was quiet for a while before replying “I can do that.”
“Thank you...” Theo breathed
“So how did she convince you, Ms. Holmes?” Farris asked.
“That's personal.”
“They're going to ask you about everything you talked about and keeping asking until you slip... Please do me a favor... I'm awfully curious.” Farris told her.
Debra looked to Theo who was staring into empty space with a grimace “It's okay, mom...”
“She... told me about Theo's... thoughts of suicide... I found a bottle a pills Theo had saved... He hid his depression well...”
“I'm sorry.”
Beth tore her eyes away from Debra to look at Theo, her back turned, she had found the back corner of the carrier to bury her face into.
Barbra stood out in the chilly night time smoking her cigarette with two guards behind her leaning against a wall. The transport rounded the corner and she stamped out her cigarette and brushed her hands down her clothes to smooth them out. The vehicle came to a stop, she moved to the back as the door opened. Theo was helped down with her arms tied behind her, as she looked around her eyes passed Barbra but kept going as if she didn't recognize her.
Barbra yelled at the guards “What did you do to her!?”
Theo swung her head back to Barbra “Hey, Dr. Fleming.”
“What's wrong Theo? What happened?” She ask in concern.
“I'm kinda of blind... oh wow the moon is a solid line in the sky now... and the sun is coming up.” Theo said with her head craned up.
Barbra's brow lowered “Theo?”
“Ah, sorry... I think I'm seeing the future... it's all stretched out though... it's like play-doh being pressed out of a form, I can't see through it all.”
Beth hopped off the carrier “It started just before they rounded us up.”
“Oh, you must be Bethany!” Barbra said.
“And you? Are you one of doctors who poked and prodded Theo?” David said as he got off the vehicle.
“She's cool.” Theo said to the area David had been.
“I'm Barbra Fleming, I'm the team lead, I looked after Theo while she was here.”
“Do I have you to thank for her escape?” Theo's Mom asked.
“Oh, Ms. Homes... no Theo escaped by herself.”
“Can you help her?”
Barbra looked down to Theo “I...I don't know... she's a mystery to us... I don't even know how she works.”
The three of them stared at Barbra “What do you mean?” Debra asked.
“Hold that response, Dr. Fleming.” Farris said as lumbered out of the transport.
“Who else is in that thing?” Barbra asked.
“I'm having you lot debriefed before we tell you anything.” Farris told them.
He turned to Barbra “Take her to her room then you can take off those zip cuffs.”
Theo faced Farris “Remember our deal, I want to see them after you're done, and make it quick.”
Farris shook his head “Yes, Ma'am.”
“Come on, Theo.” Barbra guided her over to the entrance.
Theo turned and tried her best to face where she thought her Mom, Beth, and David were. “See you in a while.” She said.
“Over here, honey.” Debra waved.
“Oh” Theo said as she adjusted.
When you think of a quarantine lab you'd most likely think of gray concrete and warning labels everywhere. In contrast the hallway Debra found herself was no different from any other office building, with more warning labels. A guard had pointed the way and she found herself in front of a door with a bio-hazard seal on it. She came up to the door and looked through the glass portal into a small room where Dr. Fleming sat. Debra gave a few polite knocks on the door, just to be on the safe side.
Barbra opened the door and swung her head out and met eyes with Debra “I'm sorry about the interrogation. I hope it wasn't too bad.”
“No need, they were quite civil.” Debra said as she was escorted into the small room.
“Is this the room where you're keeping here?” Debra asked.
“Ah.. yes, through that window there is her room” Barbra pointed.
Debra saw Beth's and David's backs as they sat at a table with Theo sitting parallel. “They got here fast.”
“David and Beth have already had the treason threats, so they could skip it.”
Debra sat herself down and gazed into the room for a moment. “What did you mean, when you said you don't know how she works?”
Barbra quietly sat down next to Theo's Mom and measured her words. “Well... we think she doesn't need food to survive... and same with oxygen.”
Debra keep her heading pointing toward the room “It looks like she's breathing now.”
“For talking yes, she be taking in air but it comes back out exactly the same... when she's not talking? I don't know.. maybe her mind can't forget breathing.”
“She said she might be a robot? Android or something, why did she say that?”
“Well the leading theory is that she's artificial... we've taken microscopes to her cells and they look almost normal but they're missing a few things human cells have, add that and a number of other factors and well...” Barbra snapped out of science mode. “Whatever changed Theo was alien enough and advanced enough that our medicine can't make heads or tails on her. It doesn't mean she's not who she say’s she is.”
“I know” Debra smiled, she looked back to the window and asked “What about her blindness? Do you think you can do anything?”
“I think she'll have to fix that herself, from what she described I don't think any kind of treatment would help.”
“No, I don't think so... did she tell you how she escaped?” Barbra asked.
“No, I don't think I asked, Beth did mention something about that when the police were breaking down my door.”
Barbra sighed and logged on a computer that was in the corner of the room. “Here, I'll show you the footage... I'm going to warn you though... it's a little disturbing.”
Debra raised her brow and followed Barbra to the computer, leaning over Barbra's shoulder, she started watching.
“So, how you like ma crib?” Theo asked.
“Tight bro, tight.” David said while he was macking on the interior design.
“Is your vision any better?” Beth asked.
“No, I'm completely blind in this building... when we were outside I could see stuff above head level, I'm too short though, so I can't see over most people's heads.”
“That's some shitty future sense you got there.” David said.
“Ha yeah, I don't see crime fighting in my future.” Theo laughed.
“Don't shoot down the costume yet, maybe you'll be able to control your power eventually.” Beth told Theo.
“I'd be the crappiest superhero ever, using my powers to avoid criminals and run away.”
Beth's eyes fell onto a small stack of papers with messy handwriting. “What's this? A journal?” she said as she reached for the papers.
“What? No that's nothing!” Theo waved her hands around table trying to get to the papers.
Beth held the journal out of reach of Theo and glanced at a few pages. 'Please, it's personal.” Theo moaned.
“Better get used to having a very public life from now on, honey.” Beth said.
“You're an alien to everyone, you're already famous around the world... there is no way you are going to pick up your life the way you left it.”
“I...” Theo sputtered, Beth could almost see the self delusion fade from Theo's face.
“Yeah... now I'm thinking that staying locked up here wouldn't be too bad.” Beth mused.
“I'm sure she doesn't want to stay here forever.” David said.
“I know... I just saying that it's going to be a shit storm when she does get out of here.”
The conversation lulled and Beth took that time to take a better look at Theo's journals. Her eyes would shift from reading to looking at Theo, when she finished the first page she had sad look on her face. “I'm sorry... I shouldn't have.” She put the stack back onto the table.
Theo heard the paper hitting the table and made a grab for the pages, clutching them close to her chest. “It's... okay.”
The airlock hissed and Dr. Fleming and Debra walking in. Theo looked to the noise “Hello?”
“It's me, honey.” Debra said.
“Hi, Mom!” Theo smiled.
“David, Beth... Barbra here has something to show you, so if you could give us a few minutes.” Debra told them.
“Sure thing, Ms. Holmes” David responded.
“Of course” Beth said as she and David followed Barbra out of the room.
Theo was still pointed towards the door as she heard it close. She jerked her head when heard her Mother's voice coming from right next to her. “How are you doing?”
“Fine... I guess.” Theo mumbled.
“Theodore, I want a better answer than that.” Her Mom scolded.
“I'm scared... I feel like I have less control over my life than I did... I'm confused...”
Debra wrapped her arms around Theo and tried to rub the bad feelings out of her. Debra's words came out in a whisper “Do you want to hurt yourself?”.
“What?! No I... I guess I haven't... I haven't had a thought like that in while now... since I changed in fact...”
“You think your depression is gone?” Her Mom asked.
“Maybe, I don't know...I hope it's gone.”
Debra smiled. “Same here.”
They started up the conversation they left open when the cops had arrived. Theo told her about the exploits of the past month up to the nighttime escape.
“Barbra showed me the tape.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes... I have to say honey... it was a bit disturbing.”
“What?! How?”
“The way you described it... it doesn't describe what's on that tape.”
“What do you mean?” Theo felt a little unhinged with the way the conversation was going.
“When those guards got close, you... sort of imploded into nothing. Your body twisted and folded up until it was gone.”
“I think I would have felt that.”
Debra gave her a look that a mother gives a petulant child. “I'm not joking. Just watch the tape.”
“Ah... I am blind here Ma.” Theo laughed.
“Sorry, I forgot... Do you think you can make this blindness go away?”
“HA, I don't know... maybe I can concentrate it away. It's hard though, being blind is disorientating.”
“I'm sure you'll get it.” Debra soothed.
Their conversation moved onto the future and plans, no details came about. The talk was more about giving Theo some hope for a life out of a laboratory.
“Well honey, it's late...”
“Is it?” Theo asked.
“Yes, and I'm getting tired. They're going to bus me back up and I'm going to cash in some vacation time and drive back down in a day or two.”
“Okay...” Theo's shoulders slumped.
“Don't try that on me. I've been desensitized.”
“You win.”
“Don't worry, I'll be back. Anyways your friends will be here, you don't need me to get in the way.”
“Ha, yeah right”
“Love you.” Debra said as she patted Theo on the head.
“Love you, Mom.” Theo mumbled with hair in her face.
Debra knocked a few times on the airlock and it opened and she switched places with Beth and David.
“Hey.” David called out.
“Sup. Is Beth here too?” Theo asked.
David was about to speak when Beth gave him the prank signal “Naw, she's in the can.”
“You paint a pretty picture there.” Theo said.
“Words are my brush.” David gloated.
David watched as Beth snuck her way to Theo as they talked. With a evil thought David decided to turn the situation against Beth. “So, I think Beth has got the hots for you.”
“Y... you really think so?” Theo blushed.
David realized he didn't know how he wanted this prank to come out and it was already heading into uncomfortable territory. He locked up, David's computer wouldn't spit out any words for him to say.
“David?... Beth is in here isn't she?” Theo said
“What the hell was that, David?!” Beth yelled.
“I thought it would have been funny, sorry, Theo.”
“it's okay.” Theo mumbled.
“It's late, why don't you go home and let me talk to Theo, okay?”
“Uh... yeah alright.” David reached the door and turned back. “Sorry again.”
“You're forgiven, bro.” Theo told him.
Beth watched David leave then turned back to Theo. Her head was downcast and hands sandwiched between her knees, 'she has such a girly posture.' Beth thought. Beth sat down next to Theo and took a moment to be silent.
“Sorry about that... you can forget what I said If you want.” Theo said to her lap.
“No, It actually made me happy.” Beth whispered.
“You better not be fucking with me!” Theo yelled at the door.
“David isn't here, honest.”
“I... I... don't.” Theo sputtered.
“I like you... I always liked to hang out with you but now... it sounds shallow even to me but I think you're hot, really hot.”
Beth moved closer until their hips were touching. “I don't want to push you, your world is crazy right now I know that. But I just want to be there for you... and to have sex with you.”
Theo's mood broke after that comment. “Haha ha... can't say I haven't thought the same.”
'I've got to know' Beth thought. “Have you tried it out?”
Theo did her best fish impression for a second. “Not really...”
“Why not? you had a month here alone.”
“‘Cause...” The lights flickered and dimmed and the blinking lights on the camera's ceased blinking. “There's always someone watching...”
Both of them heard the outer door open and close then silence. “who came in?” Theo asked.
“No one, Dr. Fleming left, but not before turning off the cameras and dimming the lights.”
“I'll have to take your word for it.” Theo dead panned.
“I'm serious! Listen!... the cameras stopped buzzing.”
Theo got up and felt her way to the observation window and pressed her ear against it. “I'll believe for now.”
“Come here.” Beth grasped Theo's hand and lead her over to the single bed. “We'll take it slow... you set the pace.”
“Ah ah... okay.” Theo said with nervous breath.
Beth sat her down on the end of the bed “Your sweatshirt.” Theo fumbled with the zipper and brought it down to her lap and let the garment fall off her arms.
“Pants?” Beth asked for permission.
“Okay.” Theo popped the button and lowered the fly. Beth lifted Theo's legs and helped pull off the tight pants. Theo sat there in a shirt and panties with her head moving back and forth trying to hide her embarrassment. Beth sat down right next to Theo and gave her a comforting pat on the knee.
Beth pulled back the covers “Lie down.” she asked. Theo complied, rested her head on the pillow she brought her legs up and under the covers. Beth moved under the covers, the small bed made them press tight against each other.
Beth rested her hand on Theo's stomach. “You want a safe word?”
Theo giggled as beth ran her hand up Theo's chest and stopped on her bra clad breast. Theo's breathing began to pick up speed. “This is my first time.” She breathed.
“On the receiving end? I'll bet.” Beth whispered.
Beth kept her hand on top of Theo's breast and waited “Go easy on me.” Theo breathed.
Beth started slow and kept her attention to the fun stuff on Theo's chest. Theo gasped and whimpered, she shook her head around and arched her back for relief. Beth worked with patient care as she nuzzled head to head against Theo. Beth gave her a peck on the cheek and Theo moved her head to line up their lips for another. Theo's breathing increased in pace until she plateaued at short little gasps. Beth slowed her play, knowing she couldn't coax any bigger reactions out of Theo. Eventually her hands left their target and roamed the surrounding area as she and Theo kissed. After a good round of kissing they parted and held each other.
“That was nice? Huh?” Beth asked.
“Yeah...” Theo said while a million miles away.
Farris woke to the sound of a ringing phone. Stumbling in the dark he found his robe and made it to the phone.
“Farris here.”
“Sir, we have a situation here.” Underling said.
“What happened?” Farris yawned.
“The gate/fold, it closed.”
“Any explanation?”
“Not yet...”
“There's something worse isn't there?”
“Yes, The exploration was still on the other side.”
“God Damn it!”
Thanks to DJKauf for editing.
Notes: did anyone watch the latest Futurama? they have a time machine that only goes forward, so they have to go so far forward they arrive at a new past. That idea had been theorized before, I find it almost comforting to think about. In the episode though they show the universe float away until all matter and energy decays into nothingness, depressing. I'd take the "big crunch" over the "big freeze" any day.
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She Blinded Me with Science
That's a strange complication you added for Theo in this chapter. I hope she can figure it out and use it to her advantage.
I'm liking the romance. I hope you add more of it.
That last part is interesting. I wonder if there will be more like Theo now.
Thanks for another intriguing chapter. Please keep up the good work. And remember... everything is cyclic.
- Terry
Avoiding Cliches
Thanks for another interesting chapter to this great story. I especially like the way you've avoided the cliche of the "evil" government agent that seems to crop up in a lot of movies and television. Farris and the Doctor are doing their best to do what's right for the country and for Theo and it's refreshing to see them portrayed in a sympathetic and, in my opinion, realistic manner.
Beth is a great influence on Theo and hopefully our heroine can figure out her gifts a bit more and help the team trapped on the other side of the gate, once more proving her selfless and heroic nature.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Monolith: Chapter 4
I have the feeling that Theo can escape again and that her former escape caused the gate to close.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
4th Dimension!
Looks like some of our guesses about Theo seeing/sensing other dimensions are on the right track. As for the evil government, haven't you been reading this? Politicians are EVIL! It is by their order that Theo is (smirk) an illegal alien because they refuse to accept her citizenship under her old identity. You're talking about the most evil, (after the IRS) of all government agencies, INS! (Grasp!)
However Theo might have something to bargain with now. Poor little lost sheep needs to find a way home. Beyond a doubt she's their only chance unless they end up changed too. We will see. Wonderful Story!!!!
I really like this
Great story. I can't wait for more.
Good stuff.
Interesting and fun and, and, well, you get the idea.
I like it that the head honcho for the government isn't some evil jerk out to get all he can from the situation. It's refreshing to see the government not portrayed as the bad guys off and on.