Surfing late last night I came across this discussion,
that some may be interested in. More interesting than the fact that this article is there, among the discussions of preterite in Hindi and dopes who can't find a passive verb in a hand bag (though that is interesting), are the attitudes (and sometimes, misconceptions) in the comments (of an admittedly small and, maybe, strange sample.) At least they were to me. (btw, Erin got there before me.)
Something else nice, but completely different, that one of my bookmarks gave me this morning is here. (I recommend poking f11 as soon as you open the link. Here is part 1 of the series.)
Language log
I read language log, and several other word and language related blogs, every day. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Me too,
but it often makes my mind fuddle; more often than it makes my writing improve
The Mother Tongue
The thing I love about English is its flexibility. Despite the best efforts of the Grammar Gestapo to impose some sense of order to the language of Shakespeare, it continues to refuse to be caged in or tied down.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
There is a book called the history of english which is a very good book to read and it was also a public broadcasting special here in the US.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
my question is
is there a plural form of transgender? thats where transgendered might come in handy.