I was sitting around in a drunken stupor and wondered what your favorite movie was? I read a favorite summer picture survey and wondered what our favorite might be? I thought of mine and chose to list them, fiction and non-fiction My fiction favorites are, let me hear the drums please, Bridge on the River Kwai, Antie Mame, The Great Escape, The Worlds Fastest Indian, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Around The World In Eighty Days, and of course Star War's episode four. Non-fiction has to be On Any Sunday. Well, how about yours? Arecee
Anything Hitchcock
Notorious, North by Northwest, Vertigo, The Man Who Knew Too Much. Sorta dark, huh? Goooood EEEEvening!
[email protected] ....'To Sir With Love', was the first movie that made me cry. 'Casablanca', is my all-time favorite though. Anything with Bogie and Bacall works for me.
P.S. I'm not as old as you might think! I just like older movies.
You're absolutely right Belle! How could I forget Hitchcock?! NxNW was outstanding, but my fav Hitch movie was 'Rear Window'.
[email protected]
My first
that made me cry was 'The Egyptian. I think I was around ten or twelve when I saw it and when my mom picked us up from the theater I became hysterical because I thought it was real, Arecee
A little boy growing up wanting to be a girl...
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
That was a WONDERFUL movie.
I understand that they only had two suits for Mr. Kelly... One was drenched filing that scene. He was also running a fever & apparently had a head cold - when he did that - on one take.
A classic scene from a classic movie!
Interestingly, my younger daughter actually preferred Fred Astaire to Gene. LOL
Ooh! That's Mine Too!
"Singing In The Rain" is my favorite of all time, too! SUCH an amazing movie!
In addition to that, though, I must admit I have pretty bad taste in movies. I like cheesy monster movies, ala "SyFy," vampire movies, and The Evil Dead and Resident Evil movies, not to mention other classic zombie flicks like "Night of the Living Dead" (both versions) and "White Zombie."
And, on a less horror-based note, besides "Singing In The Rain" I also love "The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh," "Accepted," and stop motion animation/claymation.
Melanie E.
Singin' In The Rain is one of my favorites too!
There are a lot of people out there that consider the scene pictured to be the best dance scene in all of moviedome. I think it might be too, although I liked the deleted dance scene by Scarecrow in the original Wizard of Oz, and Fred Astaire's drunk dancing in Holiday Inn is nothing short of amazing. Dick Van Dyke did some pretty creative stuff in Mary Poppins, too!
I have to say that my all time favorite musical would have to be The Music Man, the original with Robert Preston. A mere hair width behind it would be My Fair Lady, with Audrey Hepburn. I recently saw some of the rehearsal scenes from the filming of the movie and I have to say that I wish they had let Audrey Hepburn sing instead of using a ghost singer. Also on the subject of musical, I have to watch Hello Dolly! at least twice a year! Then there's Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music....
Cheesy romances are pretty high on my list, the really dumb ones like Sleepless in Seattle.
I also like well made science fiction, like 2001, A Space Odyssey.
But surprise of surprises, I love movies where the protagonist is a pre-teen girl, who has to overcome great obstacles to resolve the plot. I have yet to get all the way through Fly Away Home without crying.
Maybe I should also mention that last night I watched three Shirley Temple movies in a row?
My favs
First love story I ever saw with hubby. "Somewhere In Time"
It made me cry when I saw it as a little kid, but to share it with someone was so far beyond that...
"My Dinner With Andre"
"Slaughterhouse 5"
And number one......
"Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"
Outside of Musicals,
Outside of Musicals (where I tend to prefer the live versions of most, anyway), my favorite movie was "Sleuth!" Staring Lawrence Olivier & Michael Cane. I won't say anything about it, but IMO it's a rare movie.
I read a quote by Michael Cane where he said it was probably his best performance ever, trying to be worthy of being on the stage with the master.
Certainly not classics
The one that sticks in my mind from when I was a kid - It's a mad mad mad mad world.
Then there were those excellent Confessions of... series: window cleaner, Driving instructor.
I loved Desperately seeking Susan. I could see myself in her place.
Thank you! And here I thought I was really strange for LOVING that movie :P
My favorite? Schindler's List
Faves? Hard to list (stolen from http://www.classicmovies.org/articles/aa062297.htm )...
3. Casablanca (1942)
4. Star Wars (1977)
6. The Seven Samurai (1954)
7. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
8. Rear Window (1954)
9. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
10. Citizen Kane (1941)
11. The Good, The Bad & the Ugly (1966)
12. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
15. North by Northwest (1959)
16. Psycho (1960) (not on this list, but I loved The Birds)
17. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
18. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
20. Vertigo (1958)
21. Apocalypse Now (1979)
22. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
25. The Third Man (1949)
26. Das Boot (1981)
27. Chinatown (1974)
28. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
29. Singin' in the Rain (1952)
30. Double Indemnity (1944)
33. Some Like It Hot (1959)
34. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
36. All About Eve (1950)
40. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
42. The Sting (1973)
44. Amadeus (1984)
45. The Shining (1980)
46. The Great Escape (1963)
47. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
48. Metropolis (1927)
50. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Although it missed several, mostly scifi types and fantasy (Blade Runner anyone? Or the original Heavy Metal?), there were some
And most comedies! Modern Problems, Airplane!, etc
Oh! And my own movie, Bottleneck, aka Killer Diller (I played a crazy person, typecast much? NAH!)
there are some I would consider classics, such as Song of the South and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer that would be considered very non-PC today, but which reflected the times in which they were written/directed about.
And last, but not least, a made for TV ABC movie: Trilogy of Terror
Serious question for an understanding audience.
Am I the only one here who feels a lot like George Bailey? Some days I wish I was never born, and other days, it's like I remember how many friends I have here. Anybody else?
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
to put it simply, yes. I thought the same way the first time I saaw it.. But it also showed me that although I can change what I am, I can't change who I am. I will always be me, and that is the person that people know. If others feel that way because I change, would they feel the same if I survived a disfiguring accident? More people need to love the beauty deep within, not the shallow exterior we wear. A lot like we love you hon
I have a lot of favorites. Monty Python and the Holy Grail for the shear zany. Young Frankenstein for homage to the old movies, Casablanca for my fav. Bogie and Bacall, "27 Dresses, Hope Floats, Fried Green Tomatoes, Practical Magic, Two Weeks Notice, for chick flicks.
Jumpin' Jack Flash and Color Purple for my Whoopi Goldberg picks.
Shane, Silverado and the Unforgiven for my fav. western movies.
My favorite worst movie, no not Plan Nine from Outer Space, but The Giant Claw with it's poorly crafted turkey buzzard with fishing cord flipping it's wings and the doddly head!.
My fav. SciFi, the original Day the Earth Stood Still with Michael Rennie and Patrica Neal in a close race with Forbidden Planet, both thinking scifi films.
Fav. War Movie? Well, I am kinda antiwar, so I guess the closest would be Catch 22, Mash, and Kelly's Heros for portraying the idiocy of war and the triumph of the individual over the war loving machines.
My favorite Geek/romantic movie, Electric Dreams with Virginia Madsen as the cello player.
My favorite special defects (ok effects) movies include the genius of stop motion animation of the original King Kong, not surpassed even by the much later Gumby. Avatar for the emphasis on playing with new 3-d effects, though at the expense of a story-line.
Like I said, Lots.
Might I just say
Ray Harryhausen, that is alkl
Jason and the Argonauts, It Came from Beneath the Sea
Twenty Million Miles to Earth, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, Clash of the Titans (original) YES!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
All time #1 is Monty Python and the Holy Grail after that in no particular order:
Ten Commandments it's so wonderfully over the top, and the soundtrack is glorious
Life of Brian
Some Like It Hot
Cagney movies (most of them anyways)
Lord of the Rings (Extended Editions)
Harry Potter
Star Trek II Wrath of Khan by far the best of the bunch
Pink Floyd The Wall (also my all time favorite album. And after 30 years of waiting I get to see the production live in September)
Fiddler on the Roof
Boot Camp part of Full Metal Jacket (after that who cares lol)
Mister Roberts
Most Clint Eastwood or Martin Scorces directed movies
Godfather 1 & 2
To name a few :) (sorry)
Shock of shocks, I too like
Shock of shocks, I too like musicals. Oklahoma was one of my first loves, but you can put My Fair Lady up there too.
Phantom of the Opera
(As cheezy as it sounds) Grease 2.
The Princess Bride,
The Court Jester(Danny Kaye).
Slap Shot
Mystery Alaska
Facing Giants,
Auntie Mame,
Mr.Smith goes to Washington
Arsenic and old Lace
Mr. Hobbs takes a Vacation (Jimmy Stuart, Maureen O'Hara)
Edward Scissorhands
V for Vendetta
I like fantasy and Sci-fi, but nothing really tops my must see
My favorite Movies
Little Big Man is probably my all-time favorite.
The Music Box (Laurel and Hardy) is not a full-length movie but it's so perfectly funny it hurts.
The Usual Suspects is so tangled up, you have to watch it twice to be sure you saw the whole thing. :)
Chicago has some of the best musical production ever. (Not discounting classic stuff like: Singin' in the Rain and White Christmas.)
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World may be the funniest film ever made without Groucho Marx in it.
The General with Buster Keaton, Paleface with Bob Hope and Sleeper with Woody Allen are all the same film and it's great!
Some Like it Hot is the best TG film ever, though I do like Goodbye, Charlie.
The Frighteners, The Shining, Shawshank Redemption and Stand by Me justify the existence of Stephen King.
So many good films, I'm going to give this up and I haven't even got to animation!
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
My age
Well, I guess I am showing my age because my favorite movie is Rio Bravo with John Wayne. A close second is Star Wars.
'On any Sunday' - wow.
I'd forgotten that. I saw it on one of our visits to the Isle of Man TT in the 70s and it was brilliant. It was sometimes coupled with the George Formby film 'No Limit' which is all about the TT with George as an amateur rider on his Shuttleworth Special. Both films are a TT must.
Don't go to the cinema much but some of my favourites are (off the top of my head):
Dr Strangelove
The Sting
The world's fastest Indian ( not really about a motor cycle)
Flying Scotsman (Graeme Obree's often tragic story of breaking the hour record on a home-made bicycle)
I'm all right Jack
Battle of Britain
Saturday night and Sunday morning
Oh...I just remembered (Cymbalta, folks) Am I the only Yank...
...that enjoys the "Carry On" or anything with Kenneth More? Where Eagles Dare, Henry the V with Kenneth Brannagh! Ben Hur, The Big Country, The Magnificent Seven, Chariots of Fire, Forrest Gump, Star Wars (the original), Star Trek, Bogart, Oklahoma, Carousel, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Little Mermaid (Yes) Anything by Danny Kaye (I wept when he died) Tombstone, Anything with Christopher Reeve (I weep when I hear the theme from Superman) My all-time favorite Hollywood life coach, Michael J. Fox!
So many movies, so little time! When I was little my dad worked an odd shift, so we at dinner promptly at 4:30pm. No cartoons or outside play after 4:00pm; we'd eat dinner and watch the early show...Anchors Aweigh, Babes in Arms, I was probably ten before I realized that people don't spontaneously break out in song or dance.
So to Arecee, "Thank you very much, Thank you very much," that's the nicest question anyone's ever put to me!!!!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Henry V
Not seen the Kenneth Brannagh version but I'd forgotten about the Laurence Olivier version that was made during the war partly as propaganda to cheer us all up. The music with the sound of arrows during the battle of Agincourt scene is unforgettable (except that I forgot it)
I must have seen lots of film in the 1940s and 50s because my uncle owned several flea pits but most of them left little impression. One thing I do regret is the end of the second feature ('the little picture' as we called them). We used to get 2 films, a cartoon and a newsreel for our money and if you missed the beginning you could stay in your seat to see what you missed.
Just for you, dear heart!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDZVxbrW7Ow We band of sisters?
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Yours are some of my favorites too
I had forgotten about the Magnificent Seven, I think I've seen it twenty times, what with reruns on TV. Also Rio Bravo, I love it when Dean Martin goes for the coin in the bar. Oklahoma, wow, my first musical, all I remember was that Judd Fry scared the crap out of me. I must have seen Amadeus ten times, love it because of the music. By the way, I bought Prodigal Sons and it was delivered yesterday. My wife and I watched it last night and all I can say is WOW, Arecee
So many to choose
I guess the number one spot goes back and forth between Casablanca and The Angel and the Bad Man. ( I absolutely loved Gail Russel in that movie. I really wanted to be her :))
Also like so many already listed here. Need to add Practical Magic.
Choice varies...
Like my choice of favourite books it varies with my mood. It's also very influenced by the films I watched as a child in the 80's now I re-read the list. The list is:
Romance - Princess Bride, Romancing the Stone, Truth About Cats and Dogs, A Matter of Life and Death
Comedy - Ferris Bueller's Day Off (could also count as a teen movie I guess), Duck Soup (can't beat Groucho's quips)
Adventure - Indiana Jones
Musical - Singing in the Rain
Teen / Coming of Age movie - Footloose, any John Hughes film
Sci-Fi: Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back, Tron, Sunshine
Anime - either of the Patlabor films
Crime Caper - Italian Job (Michael Caine version please!)
Horror - Lost Boys (okay, it's not the most horrific horror movie but y'know vampires count as horror i guess!), Zombieland (prolly more a comedy but it has Zombies!)
War Movie - Glory (need a box of tissues for the ending)
Hmmm...feel slightly disloyal for not selecting more British movies.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Favourite films
As usual I am rather late with giving my choices, but here goes;
To Catch a Thief,
The Day the Earth Stood Still (The original, with Michael Rennie)
Shakespeare in Love,
Calamity Jane
My Fair Lady.
However, if I need cheering up it has to be Life of Brian or if I am only a little down then it would be Local Hero.
Finally, for a couple of guilty pleasures I would add The Butchers’ Wife and The Holiday.
Yes I am well aware how sad I am.
Love to all
Anne G.
in no particular order except probably number one because it popped up first
To Kill a Mockingbird
Immortal Beloved
The Accused
Musicals-- Oklahoma, Seven Brides, Calamity Jane, Singing in the Rain, My Fair Lady
Amadeus(?) well it made me consider the possibility that just maybe there is something to this Opera stuff.
African Queen
Mr Chips
Lawrence of Arabia
Westerns-- Pale Rider, Josey Wales, Little Big Man, Butch Cassidy and Sundance,
Magnificent Seven
Princess Bride
Taras Bulba
Jungle Book, the Disney cartoon one, I did love the Cheshire cat in the Alice one, the rest not so much
Doctor Doolittle (the old one - loved that Snail)
The Italian Job
The Lord of the Rings series
Jean de Florrette, Manon de Souce
Cinema Paradiso
Picnic at Hanging Rock
best stop here I think before I get carried away...
Ooh, that's a hard one...
There are sooo many movies I really like. The original Star Wars trilogy are definitely up there. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is too hilarious not to be on the list! I also really liked Spaceballs (my brother and I watched it so many times we can recite most of it word for word). Lets see...the only other movies that really jump out at me right now are Matrix and the Twilight Movies (yes, I love Twilight, so sue me ;p ). I'm sure I'll think up another dozen that should be on my list of favorites as soon as I hit the 'Submit' button!
EDIT: Add all the Harry Potter movies to my list, too! :) Oh, and I think it's called 'Beyond a Distant Star', a short anime movie that was fantastic!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
I am as blank as a fart
That's a quote from Blue Velvet that I never understood what it meant until recently. I've existed for years without hope, but now even the diversion of fantasy has deserted me. The world keeps losing dimensions.
A little late to the party
...but I'll list some of my favorites (in no particular order). It's curious to note how tastes change over time. Movies that I remember fondly as a kid (Super Mario Bros., Garbage Pail Kids) will today either bore or disgust me, or were so bad I find myself thinking how stupid I was as a kid to find it entertaining.
Predator 2
Steve Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Name of the Rose
A Night at the Opera
Duck Soup
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
The original Star Wars trilogy
Star Trek IV: The Journey Home
Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail
Monty Python's Life of Brian
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 version)
The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
Pink Floyd's The Wall
Kelly's Heroes
Princess Mononoke
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes
The Pink Panther
The Return of the Pink Panther
Have to add one
While I agree with so many of the other lists there is one movie that I have to add. I"ve always considered Blazing Saddles to be a classic in comedy, satire, and abuse of almost every ethnic, religious, racial, etc group. Every time I see it I notice something more. I suspect that it is a movie that could not be remade in today's politically correct environment.