On the 16th of July, 2007, Angharad published Part 1 of this legendary tale.
We’re about to see Part 1056. That’s three years of writing, 352 parts per year, and just a tad under 1.46 million words.
In that time, we’ve followed Charlie’s transition to Cathy and her romance with and marriage to Simon; Stella’s ups and downs; encounters with Russian mafia; Cathy and Simon’s acquisition of a blended family of six children; plus a whole heap more.
It seems somewhat trite to say “Happy Birthday Bike.” But how else can you acknowledge this amazing feat?
Ben (aka mittfh) and I have been working on a project to provide a map showing the locations of some of the key places in Bike. You can see that map at the link below.
Angharad (and Bonzi): on behalf of your loyal fans, congratulations on reaching yet another milestone (or is that really millstone?) I for one would be more than pleased to be writing a similar message in a year’s time, but only if you have the desire to keep writing.
Thank you for all your efforts: I know they’re really appreciated.
Persistent Supporter
Bike Archive | Bike Map |
Yes, Happy Birthday
RL got in the way recently causing me to get several weeks behind. I just got caught up Wednesday. I had missed it.
Thanks for the map. It's very helpful for us non-UK types to get a feel for where things are and the distances.
I think I
joined BC back around episode 550 something. I read two of them and decided to look at the author. After reading and liking her writing so much I went back to the start of things and did like a catching up to speed marathon. I've been an avid bike lover ever since.
Cathy's like the old girlfriend who's one of your best friends and you wish you where with her still.
Bailey Summers
Persistent Supporter is right Angharad. You have done and are doing a sterling job of keeping a world going that is both entertaining and --well -- addictive. I hope you keep your zest for writing for a long time to come. So, Happy Anniversary!!
And PS and Ben, thanks for your efforts with the map. I think it is a nifty idea for all those of us that are not so familiar with England.
Well done Ang and Bonzi. I
Well done Ang and Bonzi.
I have read every one of the episodes and loved them all. Every time I wake up in the morning I fire up the trusty iPod and have my daily fix.
Long may Cathy and her brood continue to entertain us!
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I am constantly astonished
by the support this story has from readers and those like PS and Ben and Holly, who set up the original archive. I still don't understand why it's so popular, I throw the episodes together and post them after Bonzi gives me the storyline rundown. Still, unless we run out of ideas or get fed up for some other reason, I might still be posting it this time next year, which will make it somewhere near episode 1300 - providing readers still want to see it.
Thanks to PS, Ben, Holly, Erin and Gabi (plus any I overlooked) who have helped turn this solitary effort into a team sport; and to my readers without whom it would be rather a pointless exercise.
Talk about yout big bangs
BTW July 16, 1945, Trinity. Humandkind's first atomic explosion.
AEAFOAB is far less violent though in the test of time, which will have the more lasting impact? Who knows?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Ang, do I get that dormouse plushie now?
-- snicker --
John in Wauwatosa