Blast from the Past : Top Prizes - December 2006 Holiday Story Contest

----------=BigCloset's Blast From the Past!=----------
December 2006 Holiday Story Contest Results

graciously rendered by Erin


Now the moment everyone has been waiting for -- the announcement of the top prize winners in the December 2006 Holiday Story Contest. And here to read the awards are Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp, in drag, as Tom Hanks from Bosom Buddies and Tim Curry from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Thursday 01-02-2007 at 1:53 am, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena
CAUTION: There are some music files here that are quite large. Don't DL them unless you have broadband.

"I think we showed up in the wrong sort of drag, Joe."

"What makes you say that, Frank?"

"All those people out there, they were clapping as the curtain went up but now they're just sitting there staring at us--like they want to throw a net over us. It's enough to give me the blues."

"Those aren't people, Frank."

"Damnit, Joe? They're not more zombies, are they?"

"No, Frank. They're suspects."

"What are they suspected of?"

"Some of them are suspected of winning this contest."

"Oh, yeah."

"Have you got the envelopes, Frank?"

"Right here, Joe."

"You read the first one."

"Okay, Joe. This story got votes from more people than any other story in the contest--it had to win a prize or a bunch a people might have been disappointed. Plus, it's a darn good story."


Third Place - Contender Prize Winner - $25
The Prodigal by Scott Ramsey


"How was that?"

"That was good, Frank. Do another one while I watch the crowd for any suspicious behavior."

"Sure Joe. This next was a toughie because this author had two outstanding stories in the contest. Which one got a prize and which one got Honorable Mention was practically a toss-up. You want to guess which story it might be, Joe."

"Just read the card."

What are you doing, Joe?"

"Taking off my hat and glasses. It's hot out here. Read the card."


Third Place - Contender Prize Winner - $25
The Twelve Days of Christmas by Itinerant


"Now you do one, Joe."

"Yeah. Just hold my coat, Frank."

"Okay, here's the card."

"Thanks. The third third prize winner--third third?--is by a long time favorite of a large part of the readers here, a writer with her own loyal fandom."


Third Place - Contender Prize Winner - $25
Christmas Surprise by Angel O'Hare


"Good, Joe. That was good. Maybe we got a future in show business, huh? How often they hold these award shoes?"

"Shows, award shows."

"Right, Joe. I just said shoes, cause, uh, you just kicked yours off?"

"My feet are hot, Frank."


"It's the lights, they're really hot up here."

"Okay, Joe. You ain't gonna take anything else off, are you?"

"Just my socks. Read another card."

What's that music the band is playing?"

"Read a card."

"Sounds like--like stripper music, Joe?"

"Read a card, Frank."

"Okay, Joe. Socks, whew. Hey, that doesn't smell so bad. Kind of perfumey."


"Right. Well, any of the last three stories could have taken first or second place, 'cause someone has to--but we've got kind of dark horse winner. An author whose first story posted won the second highest prize in the contest."


Second Place - The 110 Per Cent Prize - $50
Epiphany by Geronwyl


"Ah, Joe! You're taking off your shirt and--what are you wearing under there? Something black?"

"It's the music, Frank. It's making me hot."

"Us working with those crossdressing zombies is what got to you, Joe. You've gone completely round the bend here."

"It's just a little bit of undergarment, Frank."

"It's a brassiere, Joe. I know what it is."

"You're right. Something I just picked out the other night."

"You'd better read the last card, Joe. So we can go home and I can get you to a doctor."

"Wait. Wait, Frank. It's the music again. The brassiere, I can tell you it don't mean a thing."

"I didn't know you could swing--uh, sing--especially not like that. You sounded like a broad, Joe."

"I need my hat back."

"Here you go, Joe."

"Thanks, Frank. I'll read the last winner, the big prize winner. This story was kind of a surprise for the judges, because at first, none of them had it in first place. But they kept talking and sending votes back and forth and they noticed--they all three rated this story very high."


First Place - The Bragging Rights Prize Winner - $75
The Nick of Time by Randalynn


"It's about gangsters, Joe. Uh, Joe? What happened to your pants?"

"Take me home, Frank. It's bedtime."

If you're curious about the other awards:

Right and Left Honorable Mentions plus Special Prizes

Special Honorable Mentions

It's been lot's of fun folks! I'll be getting in touch with the winners this week to send Joe around with their prize money. :)


If you're curious about the music, it's by Swing Legacy out of Boston. You can visit their site and buy a CD if you like it. I think they're very good. :)

- Erin