A Very Eventful Summer Chapter 7

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A Very Eventful Summer
Chapter 7

by Freya

In the Break Room between challenges, but can any room designed by these lunatics truly be relaxing?

The blast blew him to the floor with Maria on top and together they slid across the floor until they reached the far wall.

"Is everyone okay?" Rick asked. He couldn't see anything because Maria's hair was covering his face.

"Yes," Bobby replied.

"Yes, and thank you," Maria said.

"Anytime Maria," he said as he could hear Rhonda giggling he asked, "I guess you are okay too Rhonda?"

"Yes, but I think I'll need help to get to a toilet, my legs are still numb," she said.

"You were giggling because of that?" He asked confused.

She giggled, "No, I was giggling at the sight of Maria sprawled naked across with her legs wide and your boner visible above her thighs."

Rick blushed bright red. He hadn't thought it was visible! He figured if he ignored it while checking on everyone it would be gone by the time Maria got up and only the two of them would know. Rick sighed, 'So much for that plan.'

Maria blushed too then closed her legs fast, forgetting how much stronger she was these days.

"Ahhh!" Rick shouted in pain.

"I'm sorry!" Maria quickly opened her legs again and sat up. "I've taken first aid, let me see if," she paused then continued with a different word, "if I can help." She gently examined him and found he wasn't really damaged but he wouldn't be having sex anytime soon. After telling him that in a clinical voice her face softened, "I'm sorry Rick. I didn't think."

"Don't worry about it. No permanent harm done and I know exactly how you felt. I was embarrassed too. This is exactly why we need our pact." He turned his head and pointed to where Rhonda was trying and failing to stand, "Bobby, pick her up and put her on one of the toilets. Check it for for any obvious traps first." If he concentrated on something else he didn't notice the pain and besides the group needed him. As Bobby picked up Rhonda he continued, "Are you sure you're okay Maria? That was a LOT of effort you expended and you haven't eaten for many hours. If you need help or to be carried it's okay, you've already saved us all from the fire. We ... I can carry you the whole rest of the way and still count myself in your debt."

She started to talk when suddenly there was a loud PSSSHHHHH sound. They both looked over at Rhonda. She was bright red, "It's amplifying the sound!" They could barely hear her over the sound of peeing, it was so loud. "This is not how loud I normally am!"

"Obviously!" Rick shouts back, "There's probably a microphone concealed in the bowl." He turns back to Maria who is still sitting on him, "You're too tired to get up aren't you?" he says using the sound as cover so that only she can hear him.

"Not quite but too close for me to want to move unless I have to," Maria replied. "Do you need me to get off? I'm not too heavy am I?"

"Not at all! You can stay there as long as you like. I wasn't kidding about carrying you either. Soon I'll get up and I'll lift you in the process then we can look for some food. If I'm hungry you must be starving."

"Oh hell yes," she replied.

"Alright, try to slide over so you are sitting sideways on my thighs, then I'll sit up and we'll proceed from there to me standing with you in my arms." Rick saw that Bobby was whistling but he couldn't hear it. As Maria carefully shifted position he kept his attention on her. Then he sat up and lifted her into his arms. She leaned her head into his shoulder as he carefully stood up. "Now let's go see if we can find some food huh?"

Maria blushed a bit, "Umm, actually I think I need you to take me to the toilet first. I hope they don't all come with microphones." She sighed, "but they probably do."

"Okay, no problem. I'll go look for food in the meantime and if you need for anything before I get back just call out and I'll come back. I'll be able to hear you now." That last was a reference to the fact that Rhonda was finally finished peeing.

"Not once I start. Can you wait until I'm done?" she asked still in my arms. "Or maybe Bobby can go?" She looked at him and he smiled and nodded, "I'm willing."

If she wanted me close to her I was happy to stay, especially since Bobby could search as easily as I could. "Sure! Start with the door to the right of where we came in." The one across was like a Vault door. There was probably another stupid test behind it. He decided they needed to be as ready as possible before they opened it.

He nodded and moved towards it as I lowered Maria down on to the Toilet seat next to Rhonda. As soon as her butt hit the seat I could tell this toilet had a different surprise. The wall behind the toilets rose to reveal a huge High Definition screen with a picture of Maria, a video feed rather, from a lens looking up from inside the toilet bowl. She looked so relieved when the sound of her pissing wasn't amplified that I almost didn't have the heart to tell her but I did.

After looking over her shoulder she sighed and said, "I'm glad Bobby is looking the other way."

"I'll keep looking this way until I exit the room and stay gone until one of you ladies gives the all clear or until someone calls for help," he said as he exited the room.

As Rick turned away from the screen, he saw Bobby leaving while staring straight ahead. He looked down at his feet, "I am really starting to like you. All of you insides as well as outsides. Is that okay? Could you ... Can we be ... more than friends after this is all over?"

She smiled and took my hand, "I think we already are more than just friends, but yes it will have to wait until we are out of here, mostly at least." She grinned as her stomach rumbled, "I hope Bobby finds some food!" They were both glad of the subject change.

"As soon as you are done I'll open the door and see what if anything he's found. I hope he's found food too."

"Why wait?"

"I'd hate to imagine what kind of surprises are rigged in the last two toilets and I have to go too." When he went a few drops of blood came out first and it burned like hell to start with but soon he was done and they all went to the door to see what Bobby had found.

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Okay, whoever was designing this dungeon

Was a Class X pervert! Really, that kind of toilet humor is yucky!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Sorry, it's the last in the

Sorry, it's the last in the series.
Thanks for commenting.

Actually I can't promise

Actually I can't promise that as I have not written it all yet but I can say this was the only planned bathroom break so there shouldn't be any.

A Very Eventful Summer Chapter 7

What's next? an insulting commode?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Just an FYI

A small edit was made.