A Very Eventful Summer Chapter 6

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A Very Eventful Summer
Chapter 6

by Freya

Out of the Frying pan...

Rick held his breath as she touched it, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Maria plunged her whole hand into the fire and when she pulled it out it was unmarked. She turned to Rick, "So what's your plan? I know you have one. You always do."

"It looks like the fire pit has a nice high ceiling. If you can absorb it you can keep it from going past long enough for us to scoot under you through the to room beyond. Then I'll help lift you free." Rick explains.

"Well as long as you don't take too long I think I can manage. No stopping to sightsee along the way though and what about Rhonda?"

Rick blushed, "No sightseeing if I can possibly resist it I promise. As fir Rhonda I'll leave her here until I'm across then pull her through. Then I'll make sure Bobby doesn't lag behind or sightsee either."

"Thank you. Okay, no time like the present right?" Maria replied.

"Hey!" Rhonda called from his back, "That looks like mesh the fire is flowing through! Pulling me across that would shred me."

"You can go face up then. I don't think Maria will worry about you ogling or sightseeing," Rick replied with a grin.

"Actually I think we should all go face up to avoid the cheese grater effect on private parts," Rhonda said grinning.

"Have you always been this perverted?" Maria asked.

"Nope!" Rhonda giggled, "But it's more fun than being shy! Well hop to it, we can't sit here all day talking. Ceiling will fall remember?"

Maria gave her a nasty look then smiled, "I'm glad you're coping. And you're right so I'll just get on with it but remember not to dawdle, this won't be easy." She leaned into the fire and soaked it in, eventually her body made an arch from one stone lip to the other with fire raining down on her back.

"Slide off my back as I crawl forward," Rick said over his shoulder and started forward on his hands and knees as fast as he could go. He didn't look at all because he knew he'd stop if he did. He tried not to even think about how he was between her legs right this minute. He gulped and closed his eyes to help him ignore the wonderful sight passing above him. He was panting and wished she didn't smell so good. He couldn't close his nose! Then one hand touched empty air. His eyes flew open then closed again and he pulled himself out into the next room. The back of his head brushed against one breast as he did and he was glad she couldn't see his erection. He made sure he was facing away from her as he did a quick scan of the room.

"Thank you for being a gentleman," she said and he swallowed before answering. "N-no problem. I'll turn to help Rhonda in a minute. I'm ... making sure the coast is clear and the room is safe." He was blushing, sure she knew exactly what he'd been thinking. He gulped and looked around. The room was lower than the floor of the tunnel and had nobody in it. It had four toilets in a row along the left wall and and two doors out. There was nobody in it but him and the cold air was helping with his ... problem. "I think it's safe,' he said and turned around.

AS soon as he saw her looking at him he sprang back to full erection. He blushed again and started stammering an apology. She gave a strained smile and said, "Right now I don't care! Just get them both into the room with you fast because I can't keep this up for much longer."

Rick shook his head and reached in to grab Rhonda's hands. He flipped her over on bto her back and said, "Grab her ankles Bobby. The express train to freedom is leaving now!"

"I'm on!" Bobby called.

Rick heaved as hard and fast as he could and Rhonda flew from inside like a cork from champagne. Bobby let go as soon his arms were free and dragged himself out and to his feet. Rick put Rhonda down gently and turned to help Maria.

"Don't touch me, I'm hot," she said as she slowly climbed out of the tunnel.

Many jokes presented themselves but neither boy said them. Maria was glowing and heat rose from her skin as if she were a Franklin Stove with a roaring fire inside. She stretched and held her hands out facing the tunnel and said, "You all might want to back away and close your eyes. I'm not sure how well this will work."

"Be careful Maria!" Rick shouted as he helped Rhonda move back. "I ... care about you."

"I'll try to be careful but I need to let some of this out and I'm only mostly sure how to aim it." Trickles of fire were twining along her arms and the stone under her bare feet was sizzling.

"We're all clear. Let her rip!" Rick called to her.

A huge ball of fire flew from her fingers and boomed down the tunnel turning the water into steam and melting the metal mesh entirely. Rick snatched her backwards as a cloud of steam and molten metal started to expand into the room.

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Three tests done...

So they've coped with three tests:

1) The pods. Could be classed as water, could be classed as air (lack of).
2) The tunnel. Water.
3) The fire pit. Fire. (duh!)

So that battery of tests is done, but it might be worthwhile carefully proceeding into the toilets to relieve themselves. So far, the tests have only taken a few minutes and only tested a few possible mutant traits. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if there are more, tougher, tests ahead.

If they get a chance to speak to their host again, it might be interesting finding out how many mutants their facility processes each year, and what the survival rate's like...


EAFOAB Episode Summaries

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

I'm surprised. I thought of

I'm surprised. I thought of the tunnel as Earth, since they were surrounded by stone and it was dark. The water in it was just overflow from the cylinders. But I guess I can see how it might look different. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story and yes there are more challenges ahead. :)

Because I'm not sure it will

Because I'm not sure it will get mentioned in story I'll tell you here.
The average survival rate is one third but most get captured in one or twos. There being four of them helps. Also almost as many die from pushing themselves too hard as from the assorted traps. Strong powers are dangerous until they are under control and trying to figure them out in life or death situations is not even close to optimum. I was going to have all this come out later but my notes are under revision and in case that doesn't get said I wanted you to know.

A Very Eventful Summer Chapter 6

A possible way to counter the wind is this character's power from Mystery Men,

The Spleen. Cursed by a gypsy after he blamed the passing gas on her while walking along with a group of friends, The Spleen can aim his super-powered flatulence to take out his targets, but smells bad at all times. Talks with a lisp and has warts on his face.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine