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Vacations must work!!!
Just got back from a five day 'Vacation' in Pathos Cyprus attending my brother in law's wedding. (Seemed to have spent the last four days with a bloody video camera stuck in my right eye and attached to my right hand!!!
Anyway, since returning, feeling all refreshed and intellectual like; I decided to have another bash at getting pictures pasted to my stories. I contacted the oracle, (Erin.) and after exercising the single neurone I call my brain I managed to somehow tie all the bits togather and Voila!!!! A picture of my cat Sushi, (just finishing a cup or tea,) appeared at the header of Sissy Farm 8.
I was just so excited I broke into verse.
(Sorry G&S but here goes.)
I am the very model of a modern I.T., technophobe,
I've plumbed the very nadir of the internet around the globe,
I'm read in matters practical, nautical, mathematical,
But when it comes to microchips my brain takes a sabbatical!
Going off to celebrate and play my flute! (Badly.)
Cheers for now,
I love
the fact you have a cat named Sushi.
Bailey Summers
Sushi cat
I always wanted a pair of Burmese kittens and name them Tofu & Sushi. My sister had a Burmese she paid a fortune for and ironically this cat had a penchant for sleeping on the engine of her car. Bad enough it would come in with grease stains but on three occaisions went through the fan and fanbelts when the car started. The cat was unrecognisable as a Burmese due to all the surgeries and scars, more like Franken-Kitty with whole patches of white or grey, an ear missing, misshaped leg etc. But you could not want for a more lovable cat that could carry on an intelligent conversation for hours it seemed until it remembered you were of the service class and it had no business lowering himself to idle chatter with you.