Harry Potter and the Deceptions of life - Chapter 5: Friendships

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Life has been tough on Seph and as she struggles with her gender and the changes her life has undergone in under a week will friends become enemies or will friendships survive.

I do not own the rights to Harry Potter. Rights go to J K Rowling and her publishers. This is just my take on how it could have been.

-----This story is set after Chamber of Secrets-----

Harry Potter and the Deceptions of Life

Chapter 5: Friendships

With Narcissa’s help Seph quickly finished dressing before Narcissa began schooling Seph on how to do basic make-up and hairstyles. Seph struggled at first but Narcissa was a patient teacher and eventually Seph had managed to do both to Narcissa’s satisfaction. Regardless of how conflicted Seph felt she couldn’t deny loving the attention Narcissa paid her.

Seph had never experienced having a motherly figure, she had always hoped Petunia would have been more motherly but it was never to be. To her all that mattered was her fat lazy son and his selfish needs. Seph shook the thoughts from her mind and tried to forget that family; if she could have anything in this life, it would be to never see any of them again.

Seph followed Narcissa into the common room where Emerald had set up breakfast for them; they quickly settled down and chatted as they ate.

“Honey I know this has been very tough on you and know that I am proud of how you have been coping, just remember we as your family will be here for you.” said Narcissa with a smile

Seph gave a weak smile in return “I know it’s just hard knowing everything has changed, I’m scared.”

“What’s scaring you the most?” asked Narcissa

“Well my friends, I just don’t know what to do. If I tell them will they want to still be my friends, can they ever accept me as I am now or will they shun me and expose me to the media?”

“I can understand your concerns and you are right to be concerned, any true friend will support you no matter what but you still run the risk of one not accepting. Nothing I say here can change that it is just something you will have to find out when and if you decide to tell your old friends.”

“I guess you’re right,” said Seph with a sigh.

“Is there any friends you trust more than others?” asked Narcissa

“I have been thinking about that and I think Hermione is the main one, I am unsure about Ron his brothers Fred and George would probably be okay with me there are a few others but they are the closest.”

“How about we see if Hermione would come visit for a while and maybe she would be able to advise you on the others?” asked Narcissa

Seph nodded

“Okay after we have eaten we will go and see, if she is ok we will see if she can come for a few days to a week, she might even be able to help you with being a girl, how does that sound?”

“Okay I guess, I am still not sure about this girl thing but I am sure Hermione would try help although she may try to drive me up the wall,” said Seph with a weak laugh

“How so?” asked Narcissa

“Hermione is a bookworm and she will probably have me studying every book on being a girl that was ever made.”

Narcissa laughed, “There is nothing wrong with studying hard,” said Narcissa

Seph just grumbled to herself.

“Personally, I think your biggest problem is you haven’t yet realised there is very little you did as a boy that you can’t do as a girl. Sure certain things have changed like the clothes and the way society will treat you but in general it’s only the package and its presentation that have actually changed. You are still you no matter the shape of your body and the clothes you wear.”

Seph pondered Narcissa’s word for a while before speaking again, “I guess you’re right.”

“As for your friends well if they can’t accept the physical change then they were never real friends.”

“I suppose I can’t argue with that either, although I have to say it’s a lot for me to accept let alone other people.”

Narcissa nodded “Don’t worry, I am sure if Hermione is as good a friend as you say she will accept you,” said Narcissa with a warm smile.

The pair quickly finished their breakfast before the breakfast dishes disappeared from the table, Narcissa and Seph left Seph’s chambers and made their way down to Lucius’s study ready to head to the nearest fireplace to where Hermione lived. After telling Lucius where they were headed they quickly donned their cloaks before stepping in saying the name and vanishing.

Moments later they appeared from a fireplace, Seph stumbling as usual.

“One of these days I will get the hang of the Floo network that is unless I learn to apperate before then,” laughed Seph as she brushed herself down.

The pair began to walk towards where Hermione lived with her parents; Hermione lived in a typical muggle looking semi-detached house in a pleasant looking street. There were a few young kids playing in the street but very little going on other than that. As they got closer Seph felt her nervousness increase.

She kept asking herself whether she was doing the right thing by talking to Hermione and if at least one of her old friends could accept that she was Snape’s daughter and Narcissa’s niece. No matter how much she thought about it there were no simple answers, she would just have to hope Hermione was a true friend.

Finally they approached the door of Hermione’s home and Narcissa rang the bell, after a few moments a woman Seph recognised as Mrs Granger appeared.

“May I help you.”

“Good morning Mrs Granger, my Niece Seph and I are here to speak with your daughter if it’s possible.”

“And you are?”

“My apologies I am Narcissa Malfoy and this is my niece Persephone Black.”

“Just a moment,” said Mrs Granger before she closed the door.

Seph could hear Mrs Granger call Hermione then footsteps before muffled voices, then after a minute or two the door opened again.

“My daughter says that she doesn’t know your niece and I am to understand she is wary of you Mrs Malfoy, can I ask what you wish to discuss with her?”

“We are here about Harry Potter Mrs Granger and I assure you there is no ill intention in our visit, please may we come in to discuss the matter as it is not the sort of discussion to be had in a street.”

Mrs Granger closed the door a moment and muffled voices could be heard, seconds later the door opened and Mrs Granger bide them to enter.

“Forgive us being cautious but I am led to believe your son and my daughter do not get on well.”

“I understand and I hope that will change after our discussion.”

Mrs Granger led them into a large living room, Hermione was standing there with her wand drawn looking at Narcissa with distrust. Seph wanted to run to Hermione and hug her friend but she held back for fear of things getting out of hand.

“What is this about, where’s Harry?” asked Hermione rather sharply.

“I...I,” Seph stumbled for the words but found it tough to talk.

“Hermione the person you knew as Harry Potter is with me, as you can see Harry has changed a bit from when you last saw him.” said Narcissa as she sat on the offered chair.

“Right of course it is so obvious, what kind of joke do you think you’re playing Malfoy?” spat Hermione.

“It’s not a joke Hermione I am...was Harry Potter,” said Seph with her head lowered.

“Right and my name is Merlin,” snorted Hermione.

“Please Hermione hear me out,” begged Seph still with lowered eyes.

“Go on then but this better be good.”

“A couple of days ago a goblin from Gringotts came to see me at my Aunt Petunia’s, he gave me a crystal with had a message from my mother and a potion which the message told me to drink. The message from my mother told me that she was not really Lily Evans but that she was really Sapphira Black. It went on to tell me that my father was not James Potter.”

Hermione let out a snort.

“Anyway the message went on to tell me that when she was born my mother was taken from her family who were Obliviated and placed in the Evans care. My mother eventually found out who she really was with a family linage potion, whoever did it to her in the first place Obliviated the Black family again and they killed her real parents as a warning.”

Seph went on to explain how the events played out and how she had been given a potion to hide her as male. To be fair Hermione stood and just snorted every so often but allowed Seph to finish telling her story before commenting. Eventually Seph finished telling her story whilst tears continued to trickle down her face.

“So you are trying to tell me you’re Harry Potter,” said Hermione incredulously.

Seph nodded

“How dare you, how dare you do this just because he is missing doesn’t mean I will believe anything.” said Hermione with anger in her voice.

“It’s true I can prove it.”

“Yeah right.”

‘How many people know it was Millicent’s cat’s hairs you put in your Polyjuice last year,’ asked Seph.

“Okay I will give you that only three people knew that, it’s still not enough.”

“In our first year you said in the room with the logic puzzle that there are more important things than books and cleverness you said Friendship and bravery were more important. We were the only two people in the room.”

Hermione’s eyes went wide ‘Harry,’ she whispered

Seph nodded

Hermione dropped her wand and practically flew at Seph engulfing her in a bear like hug.

The pair sat for some time in each other’s arms almost holding each other for dear life, Seph sobbing into Hermione’s shoulder. Hermione also shed tears although they were more of relief that her friend was alive. After a while they eventually composed themselves as Mrs Granger brought out tea for them all.

Hermione turned to Seph and smiled “I’m sorry for doubting you it’s just so incredible.”

“I know I still haven’t got to grips with it myself,”

“You look great by the way,” said Hermione with a smile.

Seph offered a weak smile back.

“Who else knows?” asked Hermione.

“Just you, Severus Snape, my aunt and uncle, Draco, Sirius, Amelia Bones and Fudge.”

“Snape knows?” asked Hermione in shock.

“He’s my...he’s my real father,” spluttered Seph.

Hermione’s eyes went wide “you’re joking?”

Seph shook her head

“How are you coping with that?”

“Since he found out who I really am he has been completely different with me, it’s as though all the anger and hate has left him, he even smiles now,” said Seph as she smiled herself.

“What about Draco?”

“Again he is nothing like he was at Hogwarts, I have found The Malfoy’s and Snape especially are nothing like they had been portrayed,” said Seph softly.

Narcissa cut in “Hermione I know in the past my family has seemed at odds with Harry potter and have been given the idea that we hate muggles and muggleborns but in actuality we are not really like that, we tend to portray an image to everyone outside the family but it is just that an image. “

Hermione eyed Narcissa with suspicion “Why do you portray such an image if it’s not true?”

“It’s a long story and one I will share but not at this time, we are here to see if it is possible for you to come stay at Malfoy Manor and help Seph. She needs a friend one who knew her from before and who will accept her as she is now and keep it secret until she is willing to allow others to know,”

Hermione sat pondering whether to trust Narcissa, she knew she could trust Harr no Seph.

“I promise we mean no harm and you may come to see we are not as we have been made out to look.”

After a moment Hermione finally decided, Seph needed her and regardless of her own doubts, she would never let a friend down. “I’ll come if my mom agree’s, how long will it be?”

“A week or 2 maybe longer if you feel comfortable, but it will be up to you.”

Hermione looked at her mother

“Well as we have no plans for a holiday this year I have no problem with it if you feel you can trust them dear,” said Mrs Granger with a smile.

“Thanks mom,” said Hermione as she hugged her mother.

Narcissa offered to help Hermione pack which she readily agreed, with that they all headed to Hermione’s room and in no time she was packed and ready to leave. After a hug from her mom and a promise from Narcissa, that Mr and Mrs Granger could visit whenever they wanted the trio left the Grangers home.

As they walked towards the nearest Floo network Narcissa addressed her charges.

“How about we go for something to eat before we head back to the manor?”

Her charges quickly agree and soon they were back at the restaurant Seph had visited with Narcissa before. Hermione’s eyes were wide as they entered.

“I take it you are wondering how come we are at a posh muggle restaurant?” asked Narcissa with a chuckle.

Hermione nodded

As they took the table offered Narcissa quickly cast a silencing spell to protect their conversation from other patrons before addressing the question.

“I said I would tell you why we supposedly hate muggles and muggleborns and now is as good a time as any, you see 1645 until 1647 most of the Malfoy clan were hunted as witches by a muggle named John Stearne and his accomplice Matthew Hopkins. Hopkins was a muggleborn, he eventually was accused himself of being a witch and killed by those he thought allies.”

“Worse was that he was actually engaged to a Malfoy. Today we are wary of muggles and especially muggleborns as we have seen firsthand how we can be betrayed by those we trust the most.”

Seph and Hermione sat digesting Narcissa’s words “One of James Potters own ancestors was killed by Hopkins too Seph her name was Joan Potter.”

Seph’s eyes were wide

“In fact it would not surprise me if you too Miss Granger had an ancestor killed by Hopkins. Either way we have been distant from Muggleborns since but not against them just distant, muggles we have no issue with as they don’t have access to our world except via muggleborns.”

“Surely though that’s all in the past, I mean it’s not likely to happen in today’s society?” said Hermione.

“Don’t be so sure, remember today’s society can be just as vicious to people who are different than those of the past, I am sure if enough knew about our world it would not take long to begin hunting us again under some religious banner or another.”

Hermione sat and considered for a while before she finally began nodded “you’re right people today are just as prejudice to people who are different. What about muggles though you said you have no issues with them?”

“We don’t, I mean take for example where we are right now, this is one of my favourite restaurants, its owned and run by muggles and I am happy to sit here, then there are clothes shops run by muggles. For the most the Malfoy family mingle with muggles without even considering the subject however we tend not to make close ties but that is mainly because it is easier than exposing our world to them.”

“Clothes shops?” asked Hermione confused.

“Of course for example a couple of days ago Seph and I went into muggle London to hit the muggle designer’s boutiques.”

“You mean like Dolce & Gabbana, Prada and Gucci?” asked a wide-eyed Hermione.

“Absolutely some of the best designers are either muggles or squibs.”

Hermione sat gapping like a fish at Narcissa’s words whilst Seph and Narcissa giggled at her expression.

They continued talking as they ate and Hermione found she was warming to Narcissa, Seph was right Narcissa was nothing like she appeared previously. Throughout the meal Hermione had also been watching Seph discreetly and noted how nervous she looked not that Hermione could blame her after all it must be so confusing for her she thought.

Seph for her part was still feeling very unsure of herself, she kept thinking any time soon someone would scream boy in a dress, even though she knew she was all girl the thought still kept going round in her head.

After the sweet they all got up and left for the Manor, Hermione gently took Seph’s hand startling her slightly.

“Sorry I just thought I would make sure you knew I am still your friend Har Seph.”

Seph for her part looked confused.

Hermione was quick to figure out why “It’s okay for girls to hold hands, especially best friends when they need assurance of friendship. It doesn’t mean we fancy each other.”

Seph blushed but then smiled “Thanks Hermione.”

Narcissa placed a hand on Seph’s shoulder “Honey there is a lot to learn about the difference between how girls act towards each other compared to boys you are essentially in another world now but we will teach you all you need to know and be there for you.”

A tear escaped Seph’s eye but she managed a smile for her aunt.

They quickly made their way back to the Manor via the Floo network. As they entered the manor Hermione gasped at the grandeur the manor exuded. Seph called for Scarlet and with a pop the little elf appeared. “Yes Mistress, how can Scarlet help?”

“You have a house elf!” exclaimed Hermione with a touch of anger.

“Scarlet is a free Elf as is Emerald,” said Seph quickly hoping to avoid conflict.

“You mean like Dobby is free?”

“Yes Scarlet was the house elf of the Potter family Emerald the Black family but both were free elves who’s services were kept for me to help me adapt to being a girl,” said Seph quickly.

Hermione nodded

“How can Scarlet help mistress?”

“Please could you take Hermione’s things to my chambers?”

“As you wish mistress,” the elf said before it popped away with Hermione’s trunk.

“Shall we adjourn to the ladies lounge for some tea?” asked Narcissa.

“That’s fine by me,” agreed Seph, Hermione just nodded.

Before they had moved more than a foot towards the door Lucius entered.

“Ah good you’re here, just a word of warning Mrs Parkinson and her daughter Pansy arrived about half an hour ago, they are awaiting in the ladies lounge Cissa.”

Seph paled, as the world seemed to turn sharply to the right, fortunately Lucius saw Seph’s reaction and caught her in time.

“Seph, Seph,” said a frantic Hermione.


Please bare with me as I try to catch up on my stories, I will be attempting to build a buffer with this story, I have a small buffer on Collision but hope to work it till I have at least 2-3 chapters buffer for each story.

In the meantime I thought I would give you something to hold you all over for a short while. Hope you enjoy. :)

Megumi :)

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NoraAdrienne's picture

We are off and running on Magumi Chan's other great Potter extravaganza. I look forward to her alternating chapters as we move to a final conclusion on BOTH stories.

Harry Potter and the Deceptions of life - Chapter 5: Friendships

What's so amazing is that you have taken two entirely different stories from the Potter-verse. Both as much fun to read as the other.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Thanks Stan glad you enjoy

Thanks Stan glad you enjoy them :)

Megumi :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p


Been a long wait but happy to see your still working on this one

I like collisions too but I prefer this one

keep up the good work


So are you planing to write any more on either Harry potter storeis

Hiya yes I will be

Hiya yes I will be continuing all my stories, my apologies for the delays RL is sometimes a pain but one way or another I will continue them until their conclusion, just wish I could write quicker

Claire :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

this story is one of my favs

this story is one of my favs so also looking forward to more

keep up the good work

This is so cool

Thank you for writing this awesome story...

It's really cool to see the potter stories enfold from another perspective. I never really trusted dumbledore too.

I hope there'll be a new chapter soon.



i love both the original harry potter books and this one because it could have gone so many direction
and this is one of them hope you continue these story i really enjoye it

Harry Potter and the deception of lies

I am looking forward to seeing the conclusion of this story and about to go read your other Harry Potter story.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

A great story

is there anymore chapters still being worked on?

More please

Can we please have some more of this story I love good Harry Potter fanfics.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

3X darn!! : (

I love your stories!!.. With the time lapse; I am taking a leap that these won't be finished?
