Looking for a story about father and son in future military. Son is captured and transformed to female by alien technology. Father is his commanding officer and refuses to accept new daughter as officer. Tries to send back home to mother, but daughter is determined to stay at the front. At end of story father too is captured and transformed.
I want to see it?
When you find said story, please share that with us?
Please share. This sounds like one I would be interested in. Others Sci-fi stories kinda like that but lacking the Father/son relationship are Maggie Finson's Morgana, and Renae's From the Ashes. Both are good but unfortunately still uncompleted.
Yes, I really enjoyed Morgana.
Hint hint. I'm sorry, am I being to suble? No, I mean sublah, no subtle. whew !!
Good TG sci-fi story is Mask of Venus at TG comics. It too lack the Father/son combination but is also about a space battle where a transformation takes place.
I know the story, but can't
I know the story, but can't think of the name or author right now.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
My first thought
was Marina 12's The Last frontier starring Capt. Leslie Weber over at Sapphire's, but I don't think this is what you want. I have poked around several sites and my hard drive and this one just doesn't seem familiar.