Roland and DiMaggio meet Did Somebody Get the Number of that Bus

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Roland: The IRS has determined that you owe $10,000

DiMaggio: But you have my return in front of you and it says $964?

Roland: Well, yes, but that's so much smaller than our number.

DiMaggio: But you agreed my return was right and your's was wrong, right?

Roland: Well, yes, but's so much smaller than our number.

DiMaggio: So you agree that my number is correct, but you're going to keep taking money?

Roland: Well, yes, because your number is so much smaller.

DiMaggio: Let me get this agree that we don't owe you $10,000?

Roland: That's correct.

DiMaggio: But you're going to take more money anyway?

Roland: Yes.

DiMaggio: Even though we don't owe you more money?

Roland: Correct.

DiMaggio: But you owe us money at this point, isn't that right?

Roland: Correct.

DiMaggio: And you're still going to take money?

Roland: Yes.

DiMaggio: Will we get any of it back?

Roland: Of course.

DiMaggio: How much?

Roland: Why..all of it, of course.

DiMaggio: When?

Roland: I really can't say.

DiMaggio: You don't know.

Roland: No, I just really can't say.

DiMaggio: (Turns to audience and stares blankly)

Roland: I'm so glad we could be of service today. Would you mind filling our our performance questionnaire?

DiMaggio: (Turns again to audience and stares blankly)

Nearly three hours at the IRS last week netted the lien being removed, but not in time to prevent another $850 from being taken. To date, we've paid over $3600 dollars for a $900 tax bill (mind you that includes fees and interest). In addition, the IRS has a freeze on our refund for 2009. You couldn't make this up. On top of that, I finally got an appointment with my neurologist, and we missed it because the IRS took all that time to tell us "Ooopsies." We're glad for the resolution, but it took a lot out of both Mrs. D and me. I rescheduled my appointment, so by the time I get to see my doctor, it will have been nine months since my last visit. In the mean time, I have gone from having mild tremors in my hands and face to becoming a Michael J. Fox clone. (I cry whenever I watch Back to the Future) But in the midst of all this I have friends and family (here and at home) that love and support us. So thanks for the prayers. And a tip of the hat to my favorite partner in crime, Kristine Roland, who continues to be a bright example of hope and friendship to me! Andrea


Arghhhhh!! The Black Knights of the US Government

Dearest Drea,

I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. With everything else going on in your life, you certainly don't need this too.

I have an open issue with the IRS myself. They sent me an "adjustment" to my 2008 1040, with a bill for $7000. Seems I reported a 1099, and the other guys sent them a "corrected" 1099 with a different amount on it, so they just tacked that one on, even though I already resported it. The resulting difference in income put us over some threshold, and some other things got disallowed as a result of that. It's been a source of some mental anguish for me, and I don't have near the other stuff going on.

Geez, and there are those that want these guys to be responsible for our health care.

I will continue to pray this is resolved soon and with the best result for you.

Carla Ann

Roland: I really can't

KristineRead's picture

Roland: I really can't say...

DiMaggio: (Continues to stare blankly at the audience)

Roland: Honest, I can't...

DiMaggio: (Continues to stare blankly at the audience)

Roland: Really, can't you stop staring out at them, we don't like it when the public is looking at us.

DiMaggio: (Continues to stare blankly at the audience)

Roland: I must insist.

DiMaggio: (Continues to stare blankly at the audience)

Roland: (presses button on intercom) Gertrude, we have a situation here... We need a check ASAP..... Gertrude ... It's on Television... No, not Saturday Night Live, that we can handle...

DiMaggio: (Continues to stare blankly at the audience)

5 minutes later, newly printed check in hand

Roland: Alright you win...

DiMaggio: I appreciate your assistance.... (Takes the check and leaves)

Roland: This time ... mu ha ha ha ... Gertrude flag the DiMaggio's for annual "audit"


Drea, So sorry you are going thru all of this...

Hugs, Kristy

Meanwhile, In Another Dimension...

I received a letter from the IRS the week before last. It seems I made an error on my 2009 return; the huge refund I claimed, and already received, was wrong. Ooops! According to the IRS, it was supposed to be even more huge. Some kind of tax credit that I don't understand and didn't know I was eligible for* and that they didn't include a form to fill out in order to claim, that they'd like me to fill out from now on if I'm eligible for it.

So, the letter goes on, if further review of my return doesn't reveal anything else to offset it, they'll be sending me the extra several hundred bucks in a couple of months. Oh, and if I disagree with the "finding," I'm supposed to write them a letter and explain why, including the handy stub enclosed for identification purposes. Or something.

Huh? I have no idea what's going on. I just hope this thing ends well.

* - Meanwhile, back when I was wrestling with my return, I had heard about some sort of tax rebate or something, and had called up the IRS and asked about it, was asked a few questions, and was told, "Oh, you're not eligible for that, then."

Similar experience

[email protected] Though the refund I came up with was extremely modest(the smallest in years). I too recieved a letter from Uncle Sam, stating that my refund would be virtually doubled due to a deduction I neglected to claim. I just hope that in this case, they're right and I'm wrong.

I really don't want to hear from them, somewhere down the line, that I owe interest and penalties on something I didn't claim in the first place.

I'd be very disgusted to find that what they gave me resulted in the anguish that Drea's been forced to endure. It really wouldn't surprise me though. Governmental efficiency at it's finest.


Tax officials

UK tax officials seems cast from the same mould, i.e. they're usually mouldy.

And we PAY these people?

And it will only get worse as the national debt increases.

Sorry; need to go and plant more grass to feed my hobby horses.
