Hi everybody, I'm totally new here. I've been lurking about on this site for the last six months and felt that it was totally rude to keep doing so.The current economy has left me with way too much time on my hands. I'm in absolute awe of the depth and breadth of talent I've found on these pages. I've found absolute joy and total despair. The joy from the courage of many of the authors and their characters; the despair from the revelation that what I've found is also a reflection of the real ME. I've known deep inside myself, since a very early age, that this is what was right for me. Unfortunately, I've lacked the courage that so many of you have. I'm just so relieved to have finally admitted that to myself, and, to have found a community where I feel that I might be welcomed. Thank You All, Jonelle.
welcome aboard
Hi, Jonelle, There's plenty of room for everybody in this tent. Will you be posting some stories yourself? Hugs, Daphne
Welcome to the BigCloset. TopShelf really is like no online community I've been part of before. The amount of talent that's here coupled with the generally cordial and friendly atmosphere is what really drew me in, and like yourself, I lurked for awhile before I finally decided to bear my soul and post my first blog entry, back in December '08.
And I can honestly say, if not for the intervention of certain members, I don't think I would've made it to the end of this year with my sanity intact ;-)
I love this community, and I can safely say you're among friends here :-D
Welcome aboard!
This place is awesome ^_^ Glad to have you here :-)
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
To paraphrase an old saying;
"He or she also participates who sits and reads (and, ideally, comments.)"
Without the readers, what we do would be as pointless as a theatre company without an audience.
We all lack courage at times...
...it's acting in the midst of challenge and fear that makes us brave. You're brave to open up and introduce yourself. I have been here for nearly a year and I have found it to be a place of refuge and strength; of welcome and friendship, as well as the best tg fiction website going. Hope you feel welcome as well.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Hey, don't feel bad about it!
I'm pretty sure that everybody here lurked for a while. I know I did.
Welcome. This is totally the coolest place ever for folk like us.
As for knowing what's right for you, that's not so easy. I'd guess pretty much everybody here had at least a little issue about that at some point
The point is, this is a true community, with people who actually give a shit about each other.
Relish it, I know I do!
I'm gonna
jump on the welcome wagon here with everyone else here and also as one of the new comers here echo your felling about this community here being filled with truly awesome people here.
Bailey Summers
Welcome kiddo,
you don't have to be mad to be here but if you are it helps.
Thank you all
[email protected] Many thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. As to posting stories, I'm really not sure. I do have a couple ideas bouncing around my brain, but I have no clue as to how they need to be formatted. I'll definately be commenting on the stories. The quality of work here is amazing and the inspiration they've given is what finally pushed me to sign-up. I guess we all need a little nudge now and then. And Angharad, yes I believe all humans are at least a little bit batty. Some just manage to hide it better than others and some simply accept it and revel in it's joys and limitlessness. Again, Thank You All for giving me hope. Gratefully, Jonelle
[email protected]
I was a lurker too
it took me a long time to finally come forward, and i am so glad I did! I look forward to reading your comments, and maybe a story or two!