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For anyone who is interested, I have just completed a review of Avatar on Fictioneer.

If you haven't seen it yet, read this and it might change your minds about leaving it any longer before you do.

Read it here


I heard "Rumors" that it will be issued in DVD.

With about 40 min of cutting room stuff.

Other wise, I have seen the 3D version 5 or 6 times and think it is like totally gigantic, jolly good, awesome, and all that!

Much Peace


The 3D is fantastic...

...but I felt the film was so long it got boring, and could easily have lost an hour to make it into a better film.

I was also disappointed it turned into a shoot 'em up, rather than resolving the problem by diplomacy, with the bows and arrows winning against the best the Americans can throw at it. P-l-e-e-z!

We all know they'll be back next time with even bigger weapons, and the Na'vi will be so much mincemeat. That's the story of life on earth and I don't see why it should be any better on Pandora. I mean, they're not even humans, are they? They might even put a few into the zoo, and charge us to go and stare at them.

Of course, an even bigger disappointment on this site was that male human has a male avatar. How much different the film might have been if he had turned into a she.

Still, the 3D was incredibly good - but I guess that's lost if you watch it on DVD.