Like many authors who publish on this site, I gain a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that many others have enjoyed my work. Comments are wonderful, but there are typically around seven times more people who would normally vote without leaving a comment. With the indefinite suspension of the Voting System, it means that I would be blind to all those readers.
For my latest story, The Pudding Club, as an experiment I have introduced a DIY voting system. I have included an Organizer Page called The Pudding Club - Vote, and put a link at the end of my story to that page, asking people who enjoyed the story to register their appreciation by visiting the page. The content on the page is shown below, so you don't need to visit the page (and consequently give an undeserved vote) to see what it's like.
We'll see how it goes.
for voting for my story.
I'm delighted you enjoyed it.
I have several other stories you might like. Check them out.
Press your Browser's "Back" button to return to Chapter 6, and leave a comment or read the Author Notes
DIY Voting working all day
My DIY voting system has been running all day, and seems to be operating very well.
The final chapter of The Pudding Club has had a total of 889 hits and 9 comments since it was loaded at midnight (server time). The voting page has picked up 129 votes which is an all time record for me.
I think this increase may be due not just to the fact that I have written a popular story, but also that some readers may have voted more than once.
Personally, I see no harm if a reader says the equivalent of: "I enjoyed this; I really, really enjoyed it," and gives two or more votes of appreciation, but this is something which would not have been allowed under the official system.
Whatever, the system itself works and any author who wants can mimic their own story voting system for themselves.