Guys and gals, I am stuck in my writing of the last part of "I woke" and I need your help! Basicly, there is info that is part of Marks life that will make a differnce, and I need a way for Mark in Allison's body to get it. do you guys think it would be best if:
1. Allison in Mark's body wakes up and gives permission
2. Allison talks Mark's family into giving permission
3. Allison uses the internet and hacks the info
4. something completely different?
#1 -- No point in having the original Allison wake in Mark's body unless the story is going that route... if it is, then it could make sense. If that's not where the plot is headed, then, it doesn't seem to make sense to do it for one exposition...(and would be an awfully mean thing to do to poor Allison :) )
#2 -- This could work, but how would Allison explain how she knows she needs permission for something?
#3 -- 'Hack' is such a perjorative term... Mark probably still remembers his old accounts and passwords, and presumably there could be people he could contact, pretending to be his old self, who had not heard of his accident.
Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Here's a notion
Mark's soul has divided and he wakes from his coma, somehow knowing part of his soul is in Allison. Years later, they meet again and become a couple because Allison knows Mark as well as he knows himself and Mark knows the Mark parts of Allison. They are Perfect for each other and love kind of blossoms.
See my comments on chaper 8 I think
The big question you must answer is, is he in her body or is she a mix of both souls or does she just think she is him in her body?
IE who is really in the girl's body and is anyone still in his comatose male body? Did the girl's soul really go off to the afterlife or not? Did they swap bodies or even is this all really a last moments of life fantacy and they both died in the accodent? Coul he even be dead and this is his personal hell or heaven?
Love to see how you resolve this.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
The Story So Far...
...doesn't seem consistent with Allison's soul ending up in Mark's body. (Unless she got rejected upstairs -- one of those "it's not your time yet" situations. But if that were the case, replanting her soul into a male body more than twice her age would need some justification beyond "it's all that was available", IMO.)
Some residue of Mark's soul still being in his body would make more sense to me; that would present the possibility of Mark-in-Allison interfacing with it (while holding his hand at the hospital, perhaps), temporarily strengthening it enough to make it provide the key bit of information and then say goodbye to the mother and ex-wife before leaving for good and returning to Allison, who probably lost consciousness while this was happening.
(That assumes this "missing info" is the only reason you left Mark alive. I'd prefer a better future for him -- the soul in Mark regenerating itself, perhaps, like a whole starfish growing from the original's severed arm. But of course you know where your story is headed and I don't.)
As a previous comment said, if Allison can get the information she needs from Mark's internet accounts, there's clearly nothing to stop her from doing so and no real suspense in the matter. (A prosaic solution for a prosaic problem.) No hacking needed. If she can't do it at home without tipping off her parents, she has plenty of opportunity for internet access at school, libraries, copy centers, internet cafes, 3G cellphones, etc., so unless she's losing Mark's memories (passwords, ID questions) while gaining Allison's, this doesn't even seem to be a question.
Hope that's useful. Looking forward to finding out where the story's going.
thanks to everyone
for the fantastic suggestions. you guys will have to read part 10 and find out what happens!