I am not sure I understand the rating system. For example, I am not one for explicit language, but I do sometimes deal with some very mature themes. My little poem "punishment" was the first time I put a warning, and I am not sure if i did it right. thoughts?
Ratings are very personal. I'm not sure an author can do it "wrong".
Just show respect for your readers and try to give them an accurate picture of what to expect.
Many authors use the "free form" category to explain when the ratings don't seem to give the reader the right idea about their story.
Just because you're asking the question tells me you care and want to be fair, so I doubt that you will have problems. It's usually only those who intentionally mislead that anger the readers.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Ratings and Tags
The rating system is important, but you can only pick one, and perhaps in some cases a certain rating may not truly tell the story. In my opinion, the elements and themes are more important. You can pick from the ones provided, but there is a place to add others of your own choosing. It is here that an author should be true to the readers of this site. Be thoughtful and creative and give fair warning.
The better authors here do so. I once felt that I had been misled by an author's selection of tags. I sent a P.M. stating my dismay. The author apologize, said that I was not the only one who had reached out and the author added new tags within a few minutes.
I read the poem, and personally I did not see the need for the warning, however, that is just me.
I think it is better to strongly warn, and have someone forego reading a story, then have people read something they find extremely distasteful and then create a firestorm over it.